I'm Not Harriet (Part Two)((But Not Really Connected))

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Three days after Draco Malfoy had punched Terry Boot in the nose, Harry bolted into the Slytherin Common Room.

He shot into the lap of the nearest Slytherin,straddling their lap, only realizing a few moments later that it was Draco.


"Sh!" Harry hissed. "Please, please go with this, just for five minutes."

"Go with what?" Draco asked in complete confusion.

"Do you know where Harry is?" Every Slytherin heard Ginny Weasley's voice and instantly knew what was happening.

Everyone in the school, except Ginny, knew Harry didn't like her that way. But Ginny couldn't take a hint, and Harry was too nice to tell her bluntly.

"Uh.. He went in the Slytherin dungeons a few minutes ago."

For the purpose of this one shot, all the eighth years know the passwords to each Common room.

They heard Ginny speak the password, and the door started to open.

Harry's desperate eyes turned to Draco.

"I'm really sorry about this."

"About wh-"

Harry slammed his lips against Draco's. The taller boy jumped slightly in surprise, but, upon hearing Ginny rushing down the stairs, he tangled his fingers through Harry's hair and pulled him closer.

"Harry, are you- Harry?!"

Harry broke away from his kiss, breathless. Draco looked stunned.

"Thank you," Pansy said, rolling her eyes from the couch. Harry had forgotten about the other Slytherins. "They've been going at it for what feels like hours."

Harry shot Pansy a quick grateful look, and she shot him a quick friendly wink.

"Not hours," Draco says, snapping out of his daze to play along. "Just a few minutes."

"So far," Blaise calmly says, perfect actor as always.

"You're gay?!" Ginny says in disbelief. "For Draco?"

Harry shoots her an apologetic look from his position straddling Draco's lap, which the other boy doesn't seem to mind at all, or he was just a really good actor.

"Yeah, Gin. Sorry I didn't tell you. We're keeping our relationship a secret. Could you.. not tell anyone? Please?"

She nodded quickly. "Yeah. Of course. Sorry I kept pursuing you. I didn't realize."

She went back up the stairs.

Harry relaxed. "Thanks Pansy, Blaise." He turned to Draco, an apologetic look on his face as he slid off his lap. "Sorry I attacked you."

Draco leaned back, a lazy grin on his face. "Don't be. You made my afternoon interesting."

Harry blushed and rushed up the stairs.

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