6. Storge

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Storge: an affectionate love that grows from a strong friendship, involving trust, closeness, and security; often thought of as the opposite of Mania

Song: Nothing To Regret by Robinson

"Start a party in the living room, turn it up until we feel it boom. Baby, let's get fuckin crazy and lose track of time. Why we always gotta fret about it, there's nothing to regret about it."

You look dead inside.

Harry snorts quietly at the note resting on his desk and turns to smile at Draco. The blonde flashes him a grin before returning to Professor McGonagall's lecture.

Well aren't you nice. I'm fucking bored.

Yeah idc you look like a moose

Tf does that even mean

It means you look like a moose bitch tf else would it mean

How the hell do I look like a moose

You just do. Bitch

I take offense to that

good. it was meant to be offensive


and now you're stealing my insults. creative

bitch is a generic insult you dont own it

watch me bitch im rich as fuck bet i cant buy the word bitch




and now you're james charles

well youre a bitch

and were back to this

we never left this

Harry grins as Draco discretely flips him off before returning to his notes.

Harry, pay attention and stop passing notes to Malfoy. This is important, it's going to be on the test.

hermione who tf uses punctuation in a fucking note


this lecture is boring

You're boring.

damn everyones coming for me today tf did i do


I watched you write that and it took you like two minutes because you kept forgetting you were writing in capital letters. you aint slick

Hermione chooses to crumple up his note and shove it in her bookbag.

Whatsamatter did granger deny you? Did you give her one of those "do you like me check yes or no" notes?"

fuck off draco lmao







"Mr. Potter, Mr. Malfoy, please stop passing notes in my class, or I will be forced to confiscate them," McGonagall says sternly.

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