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April 1, 1999
I heard Blaise broke up with you. I'm so sorry. I noticed you weren't at the Great Hall. I hope you're still getting a chance to eat. I'm worried about you, you know.

April 5, 1999
I apologize for Ron's behavior. He doesn't know about you and Blaise. You're all just Slytherins to him. He won't apologize to you, but I will. I'm so sorry.

May 3, 1999
Dear Draco,
I noticed you and Blaise have been hanging out a lot more lately. I have to admit, it makes me a little mad. I mean, he bloody cheated on you with Padma. Don't be weak for him, Draco. The Draco I know would never be weak.
Sincerely, Harry

May 16, 1999
Dear Draco,
You and Blaise are dating again. I'll admit, I'm a little disappointed in you. I though you were stronger. But no. He steps back into your life and you're a weak little puddle again.
Sincerely, Harry

July 18, 1999
Dear Draco,
I don't think I like Ginny. She's loud and clingy and her breasts kinda scare me. She always wants sex but we haven't done it yet because, truth is, I'm not attracted to her as anything more than a sister.
Sincerely, Harry

October 23, 1999
Dear Draco,
It's been a month since me and Ginny broke up, and she still hasn't forgiven me. I tried kissing Parvati, everyone knows she's the prettiest girl in our school, but nothing.
Sincerely, Harry

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