A Series of Mini Stories

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A series of seperate mini-stories while I work on the sequel to flipped. Also, there is a counter on my Instagram story that is leading up to the day I publish my new book if you wanna follow me and check it out ;) my insta is the same as my wattpad

--inspired by tumblr posts--

Draco sighed. "He's so perfect. No wonder he could never like me."

"Shut the fuck up, Draco," Pansy muttered. "You haven't stopped complaining for the past seven years, please let there be one fucking day where his name isn't even brought up."

"But Pansy, look at him-"

"Alright, fuck this." Pansy stood up irritably, grabbing Draco's arm and dragging him up and out of his chair.


She ignored his cries, continuing to drag him towards the Gryffindor table as Draco protested and attempted to twist away.

"Potter," she said in exasperation. 

Harry turned around, surprised green eyes meeting Pansy's, then Draco's.

"Do you want to go on a date with Draco?"

Draco froze, before attempting to pull away even more. Harry looked shocked.

"Pansy! Why are you- Ignore her Potter- Let go of me-"

"Sure," Harry said, blushing.


Draco groaned as he entered the common room.

"Fuck, I hate-"

"Potter!" Pansy cut in. "With his stupid scar."

"And his stupid, not at all soft-looking hair," Blaise added.

"And his stupid, but actually really awesome broomstick," Nott added.

"And his damn long lashes," Millicent fake-sighed.

"And his stupidly attractive glasses-" Crabbe started.

"-that cover his stunning green eyes," Goyle said.

"And his damn perfect ass that is so distracting from Quidditch," Astoria added dramatically.

"Don't forget his perfect, distracting hands that would look so much better wrapped around Draco's dick!" Daphne shouted, dramatically falling back against Astoria.

"Perfect precious Potter!" they all cheered together.

Draco blushed hard, scowling. "I hate you all."

This was simply met by laughter.

Draco's scowl dropped into shock when suddenly there was a ripple of movement and Harry was pulling off his Invisibility Cloak, sitting on Draco's favorite chair.

"So you mean I've been following you around all these years thinking I didn't stand a chance when we could have actually been together this whole time?!" Harry shouted.

"Why is he here?" Draco screeched, panicking.

"I let him in," Blaise said casually.


"He knows the password anyways. He's been sneaking in almost every night to hang out with us."


"Draco, darling, attempt some form of eloquence and kiss your damn savior."


Astoria leaned close, too close. "Did it hurt?"

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