1 Cut, 2 Cuts, 3 Cuts, 4

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Dedicated to LastMonthsHamster. Thank you for the idea, and I'm sorry it took so long!! I will publish two more tonight to make up for it.

He hates you.

One cut.

You're worthless to him.

Two cuts.


Three cuts.

Nothing more.

Four cuts.

"Harry, mate, come on, it's been twenty minutes, I'm starving!" Ron's voice snapped Harry out of his trance.

He shoved the blade into the bathroom drawer, shoved his sleeves down, and whipped open the door, flashing a quick smile at his best friend.

"Sorry. Let's go!"


Harry poked his food. He really wasn't hungry.

What's the point of food? If I'm gonna die without love, better sooner than later.

Nobody around him noticed. They all dug into their own plates happily.

Harry reached forward for the juice. His sleeve slid up.

Terrified, Harry snatched his hand back, yanking his sleeve down.

"Harry, mate, you alright?" Ron's voice reached his ears.

Harry's eyes drifted up to see Draco.

The boy's horrified grey eyes were locked on his right wrist. They slid up slowly to meet Harry's equally horrified expression.

"I have to go." Harry stood quickly, ignoring Ron's protests and Hermione's questions, slipping a knife on the table underneath his sleeve smoothly as he rushed off.

He reached the first bathroom he could find, and slammed the door shut, locking it.

He dropped to the floor, his back against the sink.

Tears flowed down his cheeks as he dragged the blade across his wrists again and again.

He hates you.





The thoughts swirled around in Harry's head as he cut again and again.


Harry ignored the faint voice in his head, too focused on his cuts.

There may have been a crashing sound, but Harry couldn't hear anything but the screaming thoughts in his head.

"Potter? Potter!"

Harry was vaguely aware of the blade being dragged out of his hand.

No, give it back, he wanted to say, but his mouth wouldn't work.

Strong arms supported him as he slumped to the side, and the world went black.


Harry's eyes opened slowly.

Why is everything white? And so bright?

He blinked several more times, and the blinding lights of the bathroom came into view.

He slowly looked around. He was in the bathroom still, but someone was with him.

He blinked. Blonde hair and worried grey eyes came into view.

"Drrray?" Harry slurred.

"Shh, shh, Harry, it's okay, you're gonna be fine, just breath and relax, okay baby?"

"Baby?" Harry said slowly, trying to grasp what happened.

Draco's pale face flushed. "I didn't say that."

"Mhmm." Harry shook his head. The world was starting to clear a bit, and memories were coming back.

"Why are you here?" he asked.

"To save your ass," Draco replied, shaking his head. "Why'd you do it, Harry?"

"You called me Harry," Harry mumbled.

"That's your name. Why'd you cut yourself?"

"'Cause you hate me."

Draco looked horrified. "You hurt yourself because you think I hate you?"

"I hurt myself because if I can't have love, there's no real point to living anyways," Harry replied.

"You love me?" Draco looked shocked.

Harry straightened. "Yeah." He looked at his lap. "You can go now."

Instead, Harry was shocked to find warm arms wrapping around him and soft lips pressed against his.

"I love you too, you fucking idiot," Draco whispered.

"Really?" Harry said, shocked.

"Really." Draco smiled softly at him. "Promise me you'll never hurt yourself again."

Harry rested his head on Draco's chest.

"I promise."

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