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Prompt by marcothepinata

"Draco has heterochromia. One eye is blue, the other grey. You cant really tell, unless you're really close. Like, kissing your enemy close."

Harry is... entranced, to say the least.

Malfoy is leaning against a wall in the empty hallway, clearly in the same ditching-class mindset as Harry.

His lips are curved in a perfect O as he softly whistles a tune to himself, hands in his pockets.

Harry continues moving forward, entranced by Malfoy's perfect lips.

"Potter?" is all Malfoy can get out before Harry is just an inch away from him, breathless and shocked.

What was I thinking, coming over here?

Malfoy looks as shocked as Harry feels, grey eyes widened and panicked and-


Harry narrows his eyes slightly, eyes darting back and forth at each of Malfoy's.

"Your eyes are different colors," he breathes in shock.

Malfoy nods, still looking a bit confused. "It's called heterochromia." A small smirk crosses his lips. "It's the only hetero I am."

The reaction is instant. Harry's jaw drops, and he backs away slightly, and Malfoy looks horrified.

"Fuck," the blonde says, hitting his head back against the wall. "I couldn't resist a gay joke and now I've come out to Harry bloody Potter."

Harry's mouth is dry. Draco is gay?

Does that mean I have a chance?

Draco's eyes are still closed, a horrified look still across his face, head still resting against the wall behind him.

"I won't tell anyone," Harry says quietly.

"Yes you will," Draco whispers, voice shaking slightly. He sinks to the floor, head tilted back, eyes closed as Harry watches a tear slip out the corner of his eye. "You'll tell everyone because you hate me and then my father will find out and he'll kill me and then people will realize I've fallen for the bloody savior and hate me even more and- FUCK! Oh fuck, oh no, I just said that out loud, didn't I?"

Harry stands in shocked silence as Draco continues whispering to himself, panicking more and more, eyes squeezed shut.

"Draco," he murmurs, but the blonde doesn't hear him.

"And if Father doesnt kill me, surely the Weasel will for daring to like his best friend, or maybe Nott will for liking a Gryffindor-"

Harry gives up trying to talk to him in favor of kneeling down and gently kissing him.

Draco's gorgeous multicolored eyes open wide, shocked, and Harry pulls back slightly, smiling.

"Your eyes are really beautiful, you know."


Harry comes to lunch far too late, hair messy and clothes a bit rumpled. Draco sneaks in after him, rushing to his table.

"Where were you?" Ron asks.

Harry shrugs. "Malfoy."

Ron scowls. "Need me to curse him?"

"Nah, I handled it."

Ron nods, satisfied with this answer, but Hermione frowns slightly at him.

"Did you know Malfoy's got heterochromia?" Harry mentions casually. "One of his eyes is grey and the other's blue. It's really hard to tell."

"How do you know that?" Hermione asks. "Better yet, where did you learn the name for it?"

Harry flushes and avoids her question, blushing even harder when said Slytherin winks at him from across the room.

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