Sing a Song For Me (Part 3)

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Harry was shaking with nerves by the time show day came. Him and Draco would be second to last to go, and Harry was terrified.

"Hey," Draco murmured as he slid into his seat next to Harry. "You alright? You look pale."

"I don't think I can do this," Harry whispered.

"What?" Draco looks shocked. "Why not? We've sung in front of people the last two times."

"Yes, but now it's in front of the school, and it's this song, which reminds me too much of us, and I'm freaking out."

Draco frowned. "How does it remind you of- oh." His face looked paler, as if he hadn't realized until now.

Before either of them could say anything more, Ms. Verian stood up on the stage, introducing herself and what was happening.

Draco took Harry's hand. "We're gonna do great, darling," he whispered, his old nickname slipping off his tongue before he could stop it.

Harry smiled softly.

"And now, I present Hermione Granger and Cho Chang, singing their rendition of 6/10 by Dodie Clark!"

Harry watched as Cho and Hermione gave a beautiful rendition of the song, with ballet dancing and amazing special effects.

Then he realized that the more people went, the closer it was to him and Draco.

Ginny and Blaise sang a sweet version of Strawberries and Cigarettes, with lovely, very romantic dancing, and few special effects.

Neville and Pansy did an amazing version of Control, with lots of fire and amazing dancing.

Dean and Seamus somehow managed to turn the song Good Girl sexual, also using lots of fire, with Dean being the good girl and Seamus being the bad boy.

"And up next, Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy, singing their rendition of The Things We Used To Share by Thomas Sanders!"

The words turned Harry's legs to lead. Draco's hand slipped out of his, and they walked onto the stage.

Draco was on the further side of the stage, and Harry was opposite to him.

He heard the piano start, and took a deep breath. The lights went out on Draco's side, and brightened on Harry's side, just as practiced.

"You can have the toaster
And the PC
Or even my Timothy Green DVD
I'll let you have the couch
And the TV
Hang on to that jacket that you bought for me," Harry sang, taking off his jacket and throwing it across the stage.

"I don't really care
You can keep the things we used to share
But what did you do with my heart?
What did you do with my heart?" he continued as hearts appeared on the screen behind him, breaking and falling.

The lights dimmed around him, and he saw Draco's side brighten, and couldn't help but smile at how beautiful he looked.

"No more fireworks," Draco sang as fireworks appeared on the screen behind him.

"No more compass
You didn't leave a single butterfly in my stomach."

Butterflies took off, flying above their amazed audience.

"You took my spyglass
No knowin' what lies ahead
Took my warmth at night
But left a dent in my bed," Draco sang.

"I don't really care
You can keep the things we used to share
But what did you do with my heart?
What did you do with my heart?" Draco finished his part, and Harry was back up.

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