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Innocents be Damned is aboutta have y'all SHOOK

"Fuck!" Harry yells as he bursts through the door.

Hermione's head snaps up. "What is it?"

"Why is he so perfect? His stupid fucking blonde hair and those gorgeous fucking grey eyes! What right does he have? I'm going to sue Malfoy for being too attractive!"


"And his fucking voice! It's the sexiest fucking thing I've ever heard! No one deserves to be that attractive! Why does he get to be the most gorgeous, amazing person in the entire fucking world?" Harry continues ranting.


"I know, I talk about him too much, I'm sorry, I'll stop." Harry drops down on the couch, dramatically throwing his arm over his eyes.

"How fascinating."

Harry tenses at the smooth voice. It can't be.

"I had no idea you thought that way towards me, Potter."


Harry moves his arm away from his face, but refuses to open his eyes.

"Don't you wanna look at me, Harry? See my stupid fucking blonde hair and gorgeous fucking grey eyes?"

"No," Harry groans. "I'd rather close my eyes and pretend you didn't hear me."

"What if I wanna see your gorgeous eyes too?" The voice is closer now.

"Ha ha, Malfoy. You're freakin' hilarious."

"Who said I was joking?"

Harry's eyes almost open at that. "You're an asshole."

"And here I thought you liked me."

"You thought wrong."

"Well, that sucks, because I like you."

Harry's mouth falls open.

"Do you really?"

"I suppose so, yes."

"Holy shit," Harry breathes the words, sure this is a dream.

"Won't you open your eyes, Harry?"

"I don't want to," Harry murmurs.

"Why not, love?" The voice is close to his ear.

"Because I know it's a dream, like all the others, and I'm going to open my eyes and wake up and cry because you'll never be mine."

"Why ever would you cry over me?" Draco's voice is surprised.

"Because I don't just like you, Draco. I love you."

"Maybe I love you too."

Harry squeezes his eyes shut tighter. "I love you, but you're not real and I want this moment to last forever."

"You can't live in your dreams, Harry. Open your eyes. Experience reality."

"I don't want to." Harry' voice is smaller and weaker than he wants it to be.

"Why not?" Draco's voice is no longer smiling, instead it drops to a much more serious tone.

"Because in the real world, you hate me. At least in my dreams, I have you, even if I can never see you."

"Harry, I'm real. Open your eyes. Please."

Harry opens his eyes.

And finds himself in his bedroom once again, in the dark, tears staining his cheeks.


"Draco," Potter says breathlessly, bursting into Draco's room.

Draco looks up, surprised. "Potter?"

"I can't do this any more." Potter's cheeks are stained with tears. His hands are shaking. He looks utterly broken.

Draco frowns. "Do what?"

"Draco, I love you," Harry cries. "I'm sorry, but I thought you should know."

Draco freezes. "What?"

"I love you," Harry chokes out once more, before falling to the floor crying.

Draco is completely still.

Do I tell him I love him too?

Harry is shaking with tears, realizing his admission will gain him nothing. He starts to leave.

"Wait!" Draco cries. Harry freezes and slowly turns around.

"I love you too," Draco says breathlessly.

Harry's mouth opens slightly in shock.

Draco pauses, before smiling shyly. "Are you okay?"

Harry breaks into a smile, running forward and hugging Draco tightly.

But just before he reaches Draco, the world fades away and Draco wakes up in his own bed again, tears staining his cheeks.

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