Glitter and Gold

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Harry knew Draco Malfoy was heartless.

He was stone cold, emotionless, downright psychopathic. 

Harry knew Draco Malfoy was heartless, and he fell in love anyways.

Draco knew Harry Potter was weak.

He was soft, emotional, downright pathetic.

Draco knew Harry Potter was weak, and he led him on anyways.

Draco Malfoy wanted to rule the world.

Harry Potter wanted Draco to love him.

So he ignored all strangeness when Draco kissed him on the rooftop of the New Year's party.

He just closed his eyes and kissed him back.

Draco told him he loved him, that Harry mattered, that Harry was his everything.

Draco had been a manipulative bitch since age seven.

Draco told Harry he wanted to rule the world, that if Harry could get him there, Draco would marry him on the spot.

And Harry used his status as Saviour to pull more strings than Draco thought was possible.

All the while, Draco whispered things in his ear about how beautiful Harry was, if Harry could do this or that , how everything was going.

Harry was falling harder every day.

Draco was growing more powerful every day.

And to this day, Draco will have no idea how Harry managed to do it.

Harry had created scandals, planted evidence, and somehow gotten the queen removed.

Draco decided that, blinded by love, Harry was just as psychotic as him.

Harry whispered in the right people's ears, said the right things to people on the street, and soon enough the whole UK stood behind the idea of Draco for king.

If Draco could feel trivial things like happiness, he would have at that moment.

Draco was coronated, and he ruled over his countries.

The people would soon realize their mistake.

Draco sent armies to the right countries, rallying troops and conquering countries until he quite literally ruled the world.

It took seven years.

For seven years, Harry had been by his side, asking him when they would get married.

Draco decided he didn't need Harry anymore.

Because Harry was glitter, shining and sparkling and sweet and beautiful and kind, but so emotional and weak.

Draco was gold. Diamonds and rocks and sharp things and harsh and cold. He was emotionless, psychotic, and ruler of the world.

Harry was no longer important.

Draco told him to leave.

Harry cried and begged for Draco to change his mind, but Draco did not.

Harry was cast out of the castle.

After a year Draco found out that Harry had fallen in love, this time with a girl, Hermione Granger.

He felt a pit where his heart should be, and sent guards to kill her immediately.

He had shattered Harry again.

Harry married three more times. Once for love, once for money, once for status.

Draco killed them all.

It was another two years when his perfect kingdom started crumbling. The fucking Americans were rebelling again, and the troops Draco sent there didn't return.

Russia and Norway had made an alliance and were attacking the Germans. Switzerland and Canada had allied against Afghanistan and Chile. Bolivia's population was gone. Iceland kept bombing Italy. Japan was sending armies to Draco's palace, attempting to assassinate him.

Draco would be angry, if he could feel anger. Honestly, he was sick of always feeling nothing.

That was his thought as he stepped into his bedroom, ready to sleep.

"This is what you get for wanting to rule the world."

Draco's head snapped up.

Harry's lip was cut, blood flowing down his neck. There was a deep, scabbed over cut on his right cheek. He wore simple black, and his dull green eyes watched Draco's every move. He twirled a knife between his fingers.

"And now you're going to pay for causing so much chaos."

"Well," Draco said, an emotionless smile ghosting across his face. "I've always loved chaos."

"You don't love anything."

"That is true."

Harry stood, the knife now still in his hand. Draco smirked.

"You won't kill me, Harry. You love me."

Harry raised a single eyebrow.

"No, Draco. I loved you."

Draco's smile barely had time to disappear from his face before there was a knife in his chest, where most people would have a heart.

Draco dropped to the ground as Harry pulled out the knife.

"At least I was never weak enough to love you," he laughed, blood dribbling past his lips.

Harry smirked, and tugged the golden crown off Draco's head and putting it on.

Harry's last words to him as he walked away sent chills up his spine.

"Long live the King."

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