With You, I See

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--Prompt by Sirius_ly123--

Also, check out my new book IM SO EXCITED FOR IT!!!!!!!!

Draco squinted his eyes as he stared at the table in front of him.

Giving up, he just sighed and pointed in the direction of something vaguely food-like. "Pansy, can you hand me that?"

Pansy stared at him for a moment. "You hate bacon," she said slowly, as if Draco had forgotten.

"I know that," he snapped. "I was just... going to hand it to Greg."

"I've got some on my side," Greg cut in, already stuffing his face with said food.

Draco's face burned, and he ignored Pansy, who he was sure was staring at him.

"Draco, you okay?" she murmured. 

"I'm fine, Pansy," he snapped, pouring himself some juice and cutting off their conversation.


Across the Great Hall, Harry was staring at the wall with his head in his hands. He didn't feel like eating. Didn't feel like doing much of anything, really.

"Harry," Hermione sighed. "Why aren't you eating?"

"Not hungry," he mumbled.

"You've been 'not hungry' for the past two days," she admonished.

Harry flushed dark, taking a single bagel to satiate his friend. As she continued to watch him, he sighed and put some cream cheese on it, before taking a single bite.

She relaxed slightly, and returned to her conversation with Ron.

Harry set down his bagel and walked out of the Great Hall.


Draco was getting fed up with this. Everything was so dark and blurry. He glanced across the room, only to realize that everyone at the Gryffindor table was just a blur. He couldn't even see the brightness of Potter's eyes, or his jet-black hair. Everyone was blurred together.

He vaguely registered someone standing up from the Gryffindor table and walking out. He squinted. Dark hair. Possibly Potter.

Well, he was already fed up with everyone, he may as well leave.

"Headache," he muttered to Pansy, before standing up and exiting the Great Hall.

He saw the vaguely moving figure of Possibly-Potter in front of him, but since he couldn't be sure, he didn't say anything.


Definitely Potter.

"Potter," he sneered, glaring in the direction of the boy.

There was confusion laced in Potter's voice as he responded. "What are you looking at?"

"I don't know," Draco sighed irritably.

"Malfoy, do you need glasses?" Potter's voice was surprised, but soft. Draco hated it.

"Of course not," Draco snapped. "Malfoys don't wear glasses."

"Can I try something?" Potter's voice was hesitant, nervous. Draco saw him shift his feet.

"You try to hurt me and I'll kill you."

Soft laughter. "I don't doubt it."

There was shuffling, and then something wiry was placed on his face. Draco shut his eyes and winced, scared.

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