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Prompt by Im_Dam_Crazy

Hanahaki disease is a fictional disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. It ends when the beloved returns their feelings (romantic love only; strong friendship is not enough), or when the victim dies. Flowers grow in the respiratory system, and after a while, the victim will die if their love remains unrequited.

"Malfoy looks strange," Hermione commented as they walked down the hall.

Harry glanced away from Ginny so see the pale blonde boy standing with Pansy and Blaise, who were both glaring at them. Malfoy looked ill.

"Suppose so," he muttered.

"This is my class," Ginny said sweetly, turning to face Harry.

Harry smiled, leaning down to kiss his girlfriend gently.

As she walked into the classroom, Harry looked up, startled, as Malfoy started coughing and covered his mouth quickly before running off. Blaise and Pansy quickly followed.

Hermione stepped forward, pointing at something on the ground. "Merlin."

Harry frowned. "A flower petal?"

"I think Malfoy has Hanahaki," Hermione whispered. Her eyes widened. "He coughed when you kissed Ginny. I think Malfoy had Hanahaki for Ginny!"

"No way!" Harry protested. "She's mine! Malfoy can't have her, no matter what stupid disease he has!"

Ron nodded. "If anything, you should kiss Ginny more, if it makes Malfoy suffer. Serves him right."

"Ron!" Hermione said, horrified. "Hanahaki is fatal!"

Ron's smirk dropped. "It is?"

Harry stared. "Malfoy's gonna die if Ginny doesn't fall in love with him?"

Hermione shrugged desperately.

Harry turned around. "I'm gonna talk to him."

"Be careful," Hermione murmured. "C'mon, Ron."

Harry darted off in the direction he had seen Malfoy go. He continued until he came up to the lake, where he saw the trio sitting.

"Malfoy?" he said. "Mind if I talk to you?"

Malfoy just shrugged, not moving his hand away from his mouth. Pansy and Blaise stood, giving him suspicious looks before walking away.

Harry sat down. "I know you have Hanahaki."

Malfoy sighed, moving his hand away from his mouth. Blood rested in his palm. A small pile of flower petals laid in front of him.

"And?" he whispered miserably.

"And I want you to know if it will save your life, I'll break up with Ginny and do whatever I can to get you two together."

Malfoy stared at him. "What?"

"Well, don't you have Hanahaki for Ginny?"

Malfoy burst out into laughter, which quickly turned into coughing. Flower petals spilled from his lips, along with some blood. Malfoy stared at it miserably.

"What's so funny?" Harry asked.

"I'm not in love with the Weaslette, Potter."

"You're not? But when I kissed her, you covered your mouth with your hand and ran off."

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