Seven Days

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In seven days, I did the seven things on my bucket list.
On the first day, I charmed all the forks and spoons in the Great Hall to dance on the tables. Everyone loved it.
Because why not?
On the second day, I made out with Parvati Patil under the stands during a Quidditch game.
Because why not?
On the third day, I cursed Snape's nose to grow four inches and sprout flowers. He couldn't teach class, because everyone was laughing too hard.
Because why not?
On the fourth day, I used some of my fortune to buy Honeydukes and gave it to Ron.
Because why not?
One the fifth day, I bought Borgin and Burke's and gave it to Hermione.
Because why not?
On the sixth day, I had a giant party in the Gryffindor Common Room.
Because why not?
On the seventh and final day, I told Draco Malfoy I love him.
Because why not?
I'm gonna die tomorrow anyways.

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