Of Course

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Of course.

Of course Harry couldn't be normal.

Of course he had to be as different as possible.

Of course Harry was gay.

But oh no, Harry couldn't just be gay.

Of course, he had to like Draco freakin' Malfoy.

Because he was Harry Potter, of course.

So of course, rumors flew around the school that Harry was gay, even though he had only told Ron and Hermione.

And, of course, Draco heard.

And of course he had to tease him for it.

Of course he shouted "Hey Potter! I heard you're a fucking gay? That true?"

Of course, the Slytherins laughed.

And of course, Harry didn't see the flash of hope in Draco's eyes.

Of course, he was teased relentlessly in his classes.

And, of course, he finally gave up denying it.

And, of course, Draco teased him more.

Of course, the school not only had rumors that Harry was gay, but he was gay for Draco.

Of course.

And, of course, Draco heard the rumors.

But, of course he didn't say anything, didn't want anyone thinking he was gay for Harry too.

And of course, he cornered Harry in a hallway and teased him.

"Potter, I heard you like me."

"Screw off, Malfoy."

"I think you'd prefer if I screwed you."

And, of course, Harry blushed.

And, of course, because he was a bloody Gryffindor, he had to be brave.

So of course he kissed Draco.

And of course Draco was shocked.

But of course he kissed him back again and again.

Because who wouldn't?

It was Harry bloody Potter, of course.

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