Five Times Harry Loved Draco And The One Time Draco Loved Him Back

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1) He Wanted More

"Fuck, Draco," Harry hisses, nails raking down Draco's back. 

"You're so hot," Draco whispers in response, lips traveling to his jawline and leaving heated kisses.

"Christ, I love you!" Harry shouts as Draco pushes into him again.

Draco stills. "What did you just say?"

Harry is equally horrified at his words, and Draco is pulling away from him.

"I... love you?" Harry squeaks out quietly.

Draco shakes his head. "I thought it was just sex, Harry."

Harry's heart breaks into a thousand pieces as Draco puts on his clothes and leaves, never to return.

2) He Never Even Knew His Name

Harry stares at the boy from across the diner.

His smile seems to light up the whole place, and his hair is a beautiful shade of blonde, and his eyes are a gorgeous shade of grey and he's here every Thursday and no Harry is not stalking him he just also happens to be here every Thursday.

He's "known" the boy for about two months now, and every time he wants to talk to him, his anxiety gets the best of him and he leaves.

The boy is too perfect. Harry thinks he might actually be in love with the boy, and he doesn't even know his name.

And the day the blonde brings a girl to the restaurant, all of Harry's dreams are burned.

3) He Loved Him Too Much

Harry is in love with Draco Malfoy, his best friend.

He's accepted this fact for a year now.

But Draco has a girlfriend, and Harry loves him too much to ruin their friendship.

And then it gets worse the day Draco comes up to him with a huge smile and shaking hands.

"I asked her to marry me, and she said yes!" Draco shouts.

Harry's heart breaks, but he smiles brightly and hugs Draco tightly and congratulates him because he loves Draco too much to ruin his happiness.

And of course he says yes when Draco asks him to be his best man, because he loves Draco too much to say no. 

She's beautiful walking down the aisle, but Draco is more beautiful when he smiles so brightly and so full of love and bounces nervously on the balls of his feet.

Harry keeps the smile on his face through the whole ceremony, even during the ring exchange and the vows and the kiss, all of which cracked his heart beyond repair.

And Draco and her dance together, and everything is so much and Harry is in physical pain at this point.

And Draco holds out his hand with a grin on his face and asks Harry to dance.

And Harry doesn't tell him he loves him because he loves him too much to ruin his wedding day.

In fact, he doesn't ever tell him; not when she gets pregnant, not when Draco names him godfather of their first child, not even when Draco hugs him tight and tells him he's the best friend in the world.

Because he loves Draco too much.

4) He Waited Too Long

Today is the day I tell him is Harry's first thought upon waking up.

Draco has been his friend for three years now, and Harry has been in love with him for two.

And today he's going to tell him.

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