4. Mania

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Mania: an obsessive love that is intense and often violent, and guarantees extreme jealousy and possessiveness 

Song: Black Widow by Iggy Azalea and Rita Ora

"I'm gonna love you until it hurts, just to get you I'm doing whatever works."

Harry laughs as Parvati jokes around with him about Snape.

"He looks like a fucking mop," she mutters. Harry laughs again.

As he glances up to make sure Snape isn't listening to them, his eyes catch Draco's.

Why is Draco staring at him so intently?

As if asking himself the same question, Draco seems to snap back into reality and shoots Parvati a glare before turning back around in his seat.

Harry blinks. That was weird.


As Harry leaves the classroom, he sees Draco leaning aginst the wall next to the door watching him. The blonde pushes himself off the wall and walks next to Harry.

"So what's going on with you and Patil?" Draco asks, sneering. 

Harry rolls his eyes. "Not that it's any of your business, but nothing. She's a friend."

"Good," Draco mutters.

"Why?" Harry asks, not liking the dangerous edge to Draco's voice.

"No reason," Draco replies, a sweet smile on his face. "I've been meaning to ask you, what do you do with your hair in the morning? It's not even styled, and it looks so... sexy." He smirks, running one hand through Harry's hair in a way that sends chills of pleasure up Harry's spine.

"Wh-what?" Harry stutters nervously.

"Oh, nothing," Draco says, his voice velvety smooth. "See you around, love."

He's gone in an instant, leaving Harry confused and a bit dizzy.


"Harry, you look cute today," Lavender giggles, leaning toward him.

Harry looks up from his Transfiguration notes to see her wearing a very low cut top and leaning forward as much as she can without falling.

"Erm... thank you?" he says, confused.

"I was wondering, if maybe you'd like to-"

"Hello, Harry." 

Draco's low, sexy voice murmurs in Harry's ear as he sits down smoothly next to him. Harry shivers.

"Brown," Draco says, shortly, giving her an odd, dark look. "You can leave now."

She huffs irritably, before turning around and walking away.

"Harry, you look absolutely ravishing today," Draco says, wrapping an arm tightly around his waist. "You have such a lovely effect on me."

"I- um-" Harry stutters, unsure of what to say.

"I would very much like for you to go on a date with me," Draco whispers, lips brushing his ear.

Harry can feel his whole face flush. "Uh, yeah. Yeah, sounds good."

"Lovely. I know a wonderful restaurant in Italy. Meet me by the front doors at six." 

He's gone as quickly as he came, and Harry is left wondering what the hell just happened.

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