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"Hey Draco, love, can we get a kitten?"

Draco snorted. "Absolutely not. I want a German Shepard trained to attack whoever I want."

Harry pouted. "But Draaaay!"

Draco huffed, turning to face his boyfriend. The raven head had his stupid puppy dog eyes that could make Draco agree to anything.

He threw his hands in the air. "Fine! But only cause I love you."

Harry cheered and ran into the pet store.


Draco hadn't expected to fall in love with the tiny black kitten. But her wide green eyes and soft black fur just reminded him of his Harry, and he couldn't help but love the tiny ball of fur.

"Tonks!" he called to the small kitten. "C'mere!"

The little cat stood up and walked up to Draco, hopping on his lap. Draco smiled and began to pet the kitten before noticing the piece of paper under her collar.

Frowning, he unfolded it.

Turn around if you love Harry Potter.

Of course, he turned.

And gasped.

Harry was on one knee in the middle of their living room, a velvet box in his hands.

"Dray," he whispered. "We've known each other for ten years, been dating for two. We belong together. And I love you, so, so much. Draco Lucius Malfoy, will you marry me?"

Draco's pale hands fluttered to his mouth.

"Yes," he whispered. He stood, causing Tonks to fall off his lap, and screech, and said it louder. "Yes! Yes of course I'll marry you!!"

He kissed Harry happily.

Harry smiled into the kiss, wrapping his arms around Draco's neck.

Both boys were interrupted by a loud mewing from their cat.

They both looked down laughing. Harry slipped the ring onto Draco's finger.

Draco scooped Tonks up.

"You feeling lonely, Nymphadora?"

The cat hissed at the name.

Harry grinned. "Just like her namesake."

The two boys smiled and looked at the little kitten that had brought them so much closer.

OMG GUYS I LITERALLY CANNOT BELIEVE MY BOOK MADE IT FROM 1K TO 4K IN THE SPAN OF A FEW WEEKS THANK YOU ALLLLL SOOOO MUCCHCHCHCHCHCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lots of love,


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