Sign Language

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Dedicated to phantrashnumber437 -Dark-Angels- phanlove55 FallOutBoy108 here's your sign language Drarry you voted for!!

“Draco, love, how would you feel about taking sign language classes?” Harry called from the kitchen. 

“Why? Neither of us is deaf or mute,” Draco said back from his spot in the living room. 

“I just feel like it would be really... educational, you know?” Harry said as Draco stood and walked into the kitchen. 

“Whatever makes you happy, baby,” Draco replied, kissing Harry’s cheek and opening the refrigerator. 

*A month later*

“Harry, hurry the hell up, we’re going to be late and my father hates latecomers!” Draco shouted from beside the fireplace. 

Harry stumbled down the stairs. “Sorry, sorry, I’m here, we can go.”

Draco laughed softly as his boyfriend rushed into the Floo and shouted “Malfoy Manor!”

*Twenty minutes later*

“Harry, how’s your new job as a Healer going?” Narcissa asked pleasantly. 

“Great, thanks for asking,” Harry replied, smiling. “I love being able to help people.”

Bloody hero complex, Draco signed across the table. Harry snorted. 

“What’s so funny?” Lucius asked. 

“Draco thinks I have a hero complex,” Harry laughed. Lucius snorted. 

“You do.”

Harry let out a fake outraged noise, and Narcissa laughed. 

They continued eating for a few minutes, before Draco saw Harry’s hands moving across the table. 

I can’t wait to go home. 

Why? Draco signed back. Do you not like my parents?

No, it’s not that, Harry replied. You just look really hot right now and I can’t wait to take you home and fuck you. 

Draco choked on his food. Narcissa looked over at him, worried. 

“Are you alright Draco?” Harry asked innocently. 

“Yeah, yeah,” he replied, taking a drink of water. 

Harry! We’re in front of my parents!

So? They don’t know what I’m saying. 

But still, that’s... I don’t know!? Weird?

Harry smirked. We’re going to Floo home, and you’re going to go up to our bedroom and get undressed, and lay on the bed waiting for me. 

Harry! Draco signed frantically.  

And I’m going to get the handcuffs, the ones with our names engraved on them, and handcuff you to the bed. Then I’m going to touch you, so lightly it’s torturous. 

Harry, stop, Draco signed, but he couldn’t help but imagine it in his head. He felt himself getting hard. 

And then I’m going to put my mouth around you, and suck you off until you’re so so close, and then I’m going to pull away. 

Fuck, Harry, my parents are right there. 

I’m going to put one finger in you, then two, then three. And then I’m going to fuck you, hard and fast and leave you seeing stars. 

Draco stared at his smirking boyfriend. 

“Did you two enjoy the meal?” Narcissa asked, clearing the plates. 

“Yes, very much. Thank you, Mrs. Malfoy,” Harry said politely. 

“Oh please, Narcissa.” She smiled at him as she walked into the kitchen. 

“Well, this was nice.” Lucius stood, and shook Harry’s hand. “Maybe we can do lunch again next Thursday?”

“That would be lovely,” Harry replied, smiling. Him and Draco walked toward the Floo. Draco hugged his father and his mother. They turned to Narcissa, and Harry extended his hand. 

Both boys’ smiles dropped, replaced with horror, as Narcissa rose her hands and signed,

I’m not touching your hand, now that I know where it’s been.

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