Going Away Gift 9

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Harry glances up at the frustrated girl trying to grab something off the shelf. He tries not to laugh, but it's kind of funny.

He studies her. Short, pixie-cut blonde hair, jeans, and a t-shirt. She could almost pass for a boy, if it weren't for her curves.

He laughs softly before joining her in the breakfast aisle, where she's attempting to grab a cereal box off the top shelf by climbing it.

"Need some help there, miss?"

Her eyes grow wide, and she stares at Harry for several seconds before saying "Yeah, I can't reach."

Instead of grabbing the box for her, Harry stares, and slowly lifts his sleeve to reveal her exact words. She does the same.

"But... I don't like girls," Harry says, confused. She's attractive, sure, but Harry doesn't like tits. Or vaginas.

She raises an eyebrow. "Good thing I'm not a girl, then."

Harry blinks, then looks down at her chest, and back at her. "What?"

She glares. "Oh no. Oh hell no. I'm not having a transphobic asshole as my soulmate."

"Transph- OH! Oh, you're transgender!" Harry shouts in surprise.

She blinks a few times, before giggling. "So you're not transphobic?"

""No." Harry joins in on her laughter. "I'm so sorry, I didn't realize-"

"It's alright, I get misgendered a lot because I haven't had my surgeries yet. My father, unlike you, is transphobic. He won't pay for my surgeries."

Harry raises his eyebrows. "What an asshole. What's your name, anyways?"


"Draco is a gorgeous name. I'm Harry."

"Nice to meet you, Harry. Can you grab my cereal?"


Harry wakes up smiling at 9am. He rolls out of bed, with one thing in mind. 

Today is Draco's birthday.

Now, Harry never really talks about money with Draco, because he knows Draco's parents won't buy him anything. He's seventeen and doesn't have a car, so he has to walk everywhere or get Harry to drive him. He doesn't really have much of anything.

Harry grins as he climbs into the Lamborghini and starts driving.

When he pulls up in front of Draco's house, the blond steps out of his house with his jaw hanging open. Harry steps out of the car and leans against it, grinning.

"Where's your Maserati? This isn't your car," Draco says, confusion all over his face.

"No, it's not. I thought we could take yours." Harry dangles the keys from one finger, grinning.

Draco's jaw drops. "What? I don't under- what?"

Harry continues smiling until it registers in Draco's head.

"You bought me a car? You bought me a Lamborghini?"

Harry smiles wider, and Draco practically tackles him in a hug.

"Babe, you're the absolute best, I love you, I love you so much!" Draco kisses Harry over and over again.

"Fiona, what's going on?" Draco's father steps out of the house, confused.

Harry smirks at Lucius' beat up old station wagon, before turning his wicked smirk to Lucius.

"I bought Draco a car," he says, moving to the side so Lucius can see the Lamborghini.

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