Jenna B. Lacey

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Holy shit!! I can't believe I'm at chapter 50!!! Yay!!

I canNOT believe that my book has reached over 7k reads! Jesus Christ, guys, you cannot believe how grateful I am.

This isn't really Drarry, and its based off a tumble post, but I liked it so here you go.

Jenna B Lacey, age eleven, knew exactly what she was going to do with her life.

She was going to go to Hogwarts, get top grades, and be the youngest female Minister of Magic by age 35.

It would have been a good plan, if she hadn't been in the same year as Harry Potter.


Year one was great. She was sorted into Ravenclaw, did well in all her classes, and aced the exams.

A troll smashed into the study room she was in on Halloween, but she wasn't going to let that deter her.


Year two was a disaster. People were getting petrified, and worse- the teachers had to herd them from place to place, which severely cut down on her library time. She had to study in the common room, which meant instead of a nice, quiet atmosphere, she got a soundtrack of nervous Ravenclaws.

And, on top of that, exams were cancelled. It was a disaster.


Third year, she started to notice a trend.
First the troll, then the petrifications, and now dementor guards and escaped convicts. What did they all have in common? Potter.

After Black broke in and everyone had to spend the night in the Great Hall, interrupting Jenna's last minute studying for a test she had tomorrow, she took to giving Potter angry looks in every class.

He did not notice.


They announced the Triwizard Tournament at dinner the first night of fourth year, and Jenna almost started crying.

Potter was going to take this one over. She just knew it.

And she was right.

Voldemort rose at the end of the year. She honestly didn't know what she had expected.


Fifth year brought Umbridge. She joined the DA because she was gonna need a better background in defense, but that didn't mean she was any happier about Potter.

She imagined it was him she was hitting instead of Zachariah Smith.

But, by the end of the year, focus on her studies was impossible. After Dumbledore left, it was complete anarchy.

Potter's fault. Of course.


Sixth year she started volunteering in the hospital wing. She needed a backup plan in case Potter fucked it up.

All seemed quiet, until they brought Malfoy in. It was apparently Potter's fault, which surprised everyone except Jenna.

Later, she was peacefully studying in a little nook on the third floor, when some Death Eaters and some other adults started battling right under her nose.

This was the worst fucking school, honestly.


They were calling it the "Final Battle."

Jenna ran through the hall, dodging in and out of the children evacuating, until she saw him.


He turned, startled. "Um- Jenna, right? We're sort of busy-"

She grabbed the front of his shirt and hauled him up until he was eye level with her. "If I'm not Minister of Magic by age 35, it's going to be entirely your fault and I'm going to hurt you."

She dropped him and stormed away, leaving him to whatever he was doing. She had to fight this goddamned war so she could go back to her fucking studying.


She became Minister of Magic at age 36.

Fucking Potter.

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