5. Ludus

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Ludus: a love that is played as a game or sport

Song: Lost the Game by Two Feet

"And what can I do, I do, I do? I know it's over. Because I lost the game, I can't get lower, because your pain it's taking over"

"You did not make her fall in love with you!" Harry hears Pansy shout.

Draco spreads his arms, a self-satisfied grin on his face. "What can I say? Love is a game, and I'm the fucking winner."

"But Hermione Granger? In love with you? Impossible."

Harry's jaw drops. Draco smirks.

"I'm that good, love," he says, winking.

"No way."



Draco grins. "I can make anyone I want fall in love with me."

"Wanna bet, Malfoy?" 

Harry's voice is cold, even to his own ears. Draco turns around, surprised.

"Harry, please, join us," Pansy says, her voice smooth. Harry enters the room, eyes locked on Draco.

Draco leans forward, licking his lips. "Potter, you doubt my abilities?"

"I think you're a damn liar," Harry replies coldly.

"Fine. Pick anyone our age, let's be reasonable, and I can make them fall in love with me. Anyone of your choosing."

Harry thinks this over. He had really thought Hermione was the last person on earth who could love Draco Malfoy. 

Ron? The thought makes him shudder, but if Hermione was susceptible, who's to say Ron isn't?

Neville, Parvati, Luna, a dozen names go through his head, but only one is guaranteed to not work.

"Me," he says calmly.

Draco's eyes widen dramatically. Blaise whistles. Pansy "ooo"s.

"You're throwing your own heart on the table?" Draco asks, incredulous. "Typical Potter. Sacrificing himself instead of his friends."

"Nah, I'm just the last person on planet earth who could even like you, Malfoy," Harry says coldly.

"Two weeks. If you fall in love with me in that time, you lose and never doubt my abilities again. If you don't, I will stop breaking hearts."

Harry nods, holding out his hand. Draco shakes it.

"You're in for a hell of a ride, Potter."

Harry doesn't doubt it.


The entire first week, Harry stands his ground. Draco brings him flowers, takes him on beautiful dates, buys him things that Harry could never even consider buying.

But never once does Harry relent or let himself feel anything.

And then Draco comes over to the Gryffindor table one morning and asks Harry if he wants to come with him.

Harry shrugs. He knows he doesn't have a choice, it's part of the deal, he has to agree to go where Draco wants, but he doesn't really mind.

Draco doesn't talk much as they walk through the hallways, but as they reach the huge oak doors at the front of Hogwarts, he laces his fingers with Harry's and pushes one door open.

It's snowing, and Harry smiles at the cliche of it all. Draco holds out his hand, catching a few snowflakes in it. His grey eyes study the falling snow with a beautiful fascination.

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