Remembrance Ball

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listening to the above song motivated this whole story and is a really nice background to it, so I suggest you listen while you read! :)

Harry watches the crowd in front of him as he sits on the benches, alone.

The ball is held in remembrance of all those who were lost in the Battle of Hogwarts, and is named as such.

The Remembrance Ball. Harry remembers McGonagall telling them about it as they started their eighth year. Now it was here.

He had meant to get a date, but had lost track of time and now he is here by himself.

He watches the dancing couples in front of him.

Hermione and Ron dance together. Harry knows they broke up, but they're both all smiles with each other, despite being uninterested in each other.

Pansy dances with Blaise. Harry knows they're just friends, they're both gay, but with how close they are as they dance, you'd think they had been dating for years.

Neville dances with Parvati, but he's watching Blaise's every movement, and the darker boy's eyes fall on him every couple of seconds. Harry grins. 

Seamus and Cho dance together. Neither one really seems interested in the other, they're both stealing glances at other people.

Ginny dances with a random cute Ravenclaw boy. She doesn't look very interested either.

Dean dances with Luna, who, although she has bright smiles, obviously isn't interested in him that way.

Harry raises an eyebrow. Very few people seem brave enough to ask the person they really want out.

Harry included, but that's beside the point.

Besides, everything could be gayer, including this dance.

Harry slips in between Ron and Hermione with an "excuse me" and begins to dance with Hermione.

Hermione raises an eyebrow. "Harry, you know I'm into girls."

Harry winks. "Which is precisely why I'm doing this."

Before Hermione can say anything, Harry fluidly dances in between Pansy and Blaise, handing Hermione off to Pansy and taking Blaise's hand, dancing with him.

Blaise grins. "Smooth, Potter."

"Don't think you're not on my target list." Harry notices Ron has swept up Parvati and Neville is walking toward the food.

"Oh, I'm too tired to dance," Harry says, just loudly enough for Neville to hear. "Neville, take this boy off my hands."

As Neville turns around, Harry twirls Blaise away from him, sending him into Neville's arms. Neville blinks, but blushes and smiles as they begin to dance gracefully.

Harry walks across the dance floor until he finds his next target. 

He sweeps Cho away from Seamus, murmuring for the Irish boy to stay where he is, he'll be back.

He dances Cho towards Ginny and her partner.

"Harry, what on earth?" Cho is smiling, and allows herself to be gracefully handed to the boy Ginny was dancing with, and Harry and Ginny begin to dance away.

"I've seen what you're doing, Harry," she says with a grin. "Who's my new partner?"

"Luna." Harry says it with a wicked grin, and Ginny's cheeks turn pink.

He twirls her, and when she finishes twirling she's in Luna's arms and Harry is dancing with Dean and smiling wickedly at her.

Luna seems pleased with her change of partners.

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