Valentine's Day

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Dear Harry,
Happy Valentine's Day.
I promise you'll never see this letter, but I'm still gonna tell you.
I love you.
And I wish I was confident enough to send this letter, but I can't. I'm sorry.
But I'll never stop loving you.
Love forever,

Draco sighed and crumpled the paper, dropping it on his desk. He laid on his bed and fell asleep.


"Rise and shine lovebird!!" Pansy's voice cut through his slumber.

"Pansy," Draco groaned. "I'm trying to sleep."

"Aw, but don't you wanna see Harry's face when he sees your letter? It was real cute."

"What!?" Draco threw his covers off. "Please tell me you're kidding."

But he knew she wasn't. The crumpled paper was gone.

She winked and flounced out of the room.

Draco felt like screaming. What was he gonna do?

Well, he was already screwed. Why not make it worse?

Dear Harry,
I didn't mean to ever send that letter, but now that you have it, I figured fuck it.
Be my Valentine?

Draco sent the letter with his owl and got ready to go to breakfast, which was sure to be a shitstorm.

Twenty minutes later, he arrived at the Great Hall and sat at his seat.

He noticed Harry was twirling a rose between his fingers and staring at him.

Someone gave him a rose? Fuck. He's probably dating someone and I didn't even realize.

Harry stood slowly, and walked toward the Slytherin table.

"Yes," he said simply.

"Yes what?" Draco asked. He was elated, and knew exactly what Harry was saying yes to, but he wanted everyone to hear.

Harry held out the rose to him.

"Yes I'll be your Valentine."

Screeches and gasps ran through the Great Hall, but Draco just stared at Harry and slowly took the rose from his fingers.

Ron left out a little squeak as Harry dropped onto the seat next to Draco and buttered a piece of toast.

Draco snatched the toast from Harry's fingers and tool a bite, grinning at his Valentine.

The other boy grinned back and picked up a piece of sausage, putting the whole thing on his mouth.

Draco squeaked.

Harry smirked and took a sip of Draco's orange juice before walking back to Gryffindor table, where everyone was gaping at him, including Draco.

Draco finished his meal and stood, joining everyone else who was going to class.

"C'mon Harry," Ron said. "Let's go to Charms."

"Actually." Harry grabbed Draco's hand before the other boy could walk past him. "I'm gonna walk my Valentine to class."

"You are?" Ron and Draco both squeaked.

Harry smiled sweetly and pulled Draco along.

"Harry, not complaining, but this isn't the way to my class," Draco said.

"Ah, no, but it is the way to my bedroom," Harry replied, smirking.

Draco walked a lot faster.

Needless to say, that was the most eventful Valentine's Day in their lives.

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