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Dedicated to almonds13  for creating this beautiful concept.

Flashbacks are in italic underlined
Flashback thoughts are in italic bold.
Present thoughts are in italics.

Draco is tapping his thigh nervously, a mechanism he has learned early on for dealing with his anxiety.

Right now, his anxiety was through the roof.

Sure, him and Harry were friends now, but Harry had never really invited him out, and certainly not to Honeydukes.

Everyone knew that people took their significant others to Honeydukes. It was the thing, no one went to Honeydukes just as friends.

Except Harry and Draco.

Draco assumed Harry didn't know, given the way he had asked him.

"Hey Draco!" Harry called, jogging up to him.

Draco felt his heart beating rapidly as he turned around. "Erm, hello Harry."

"So, I'm in a mood for sweets, and we never hang out, so will you go to Honeydukes with me? I'll buy you something if you want."

Every muscle in Draco's body froze. "Honeydukes?" he asked, sure he had heard Harry wrong.

"Yeah. They've got the best candy. Maybe in like, an hour? Does that sound good?"

"Uh..." Say something, idiot! "Yeah, sounds great!" 

Harry flashed him a smile. "Great, see you then!"

Draco shook off the memory. He had five minutes to get ready, and he hadn't done anything except stress for the last hour!


Meanwhile, Harry was banging his head against a wall.

"Stupid. Stupid. Stupid," he mumbled with each thunk of his head.

Why hadn't he just said it?

"Hey Draco!" Harry called, jogging up to the blonde as though he hadn't been standing there for ten minutes gathering the courage to ask him.

Draco turned around, looking slightly confused, but smiled nonetheless. "Erm, hello Harry."

Be cool, be cool.

"So, I'm in a mood for sweets, and we never hang out, so will you go to Honeydukes with me? I'll buy you something if you want."

What the fuck? You were supposed to ask him on a date, goddamit! Now he's gonna think you're an idiot who doesn't know why people go to Honeydukes!

Draco tensed. "Honeydukes?"

He knows. "Yeah. They've got the best candy. Maybe in like, an hour? Does that sound good?" 

God gave you a second chance to fucking live and you go and do this bullshit. 

"Uh...Yeah, sounds great!" 


Harry flashed him a smile. "Great, see you then!" 




Draco paced back and forth in front of the Hogwarts gates nervously.


"Hey!" Harry smiled brightly at him as he walked toward him. "Ready to go?"

Not a fucking chance. "Yep!"

They walked in awkward silence, Draco's heartbeat thudding louder than his screaming thoughts.


Harry forced himself to stop staring at Draco as they stepped through the doors of Honeydukes, and breathed in the heavenly scent of a thousand candies.

"Let's get shit!" he exclaimed, momentarily distracted from Draco's beauty by the chocolate on one of the shelves. "Get whatever you want. I'm paying."

"I have money, Harry," Draco said. "I'm a big kid now, I can pay for my own stuff."

"You can, but if you try, I'll steal your money. Let me pay."

Draco gave him a strange look before letting his eyes wander over the massive amounts of candy on the shelves.

Harry picked up a candy he hadn't seen before, and read the label.

"Sweet Supreme. The ultimate sweetest thing in the world."

"Not as sweet as you," Draco said, his cheeks coloring as he grabbed a box of butterfly-shaped candy.

Harry froze. "What did you just say?"



"I said it's not as sweet as you," Draco mumbled, his face dark with embarrassment. 

Harry was just staring at him with wide eyes.

"Screw it, what's another friendship ruined. Erm, Harry, I really like you. Shit, why did I even tell you that. Just like, I really like you and there's a good chance you hate me now but..."

Harry just continued staring at him.

"Please say something," Draco mumbled.

Harry moved his mouth several times, seeming to process Draco's words for a very long time.

Draco tapped his foot nervously.

"Yes," was all Harry managed to say.

Draco frowned. "I didn't ask you a question."

Harry seemed to be struggling to breathe.

"Yes. I like you. I like you a lot. More than I should. Yes. Yes I like you."

Draco felt everything stop. He dropped his butterfly candy onto the ground shock.

"You what?"

"Please please please, tell me I can kiss you," Harry whispered breathlessly.

Draco's brain was short-circuiting.

"Yes," he whispered.

Harry grinned brightly, and stepped forward. He stood on his tiptoes lightly, and leaned forward, kissing Draco softly.

Draco barely had time to think about how adorable it was that Harry had to stand on his tiptoes before his brain stopped working completely.

His hands moved on their own, one gently resting on Harry's waist, the other sliding around his neck to pull him closer and intensify the kiss.

Harry made a soft noise, and both of his hands wound themselves into Draco's hair.

After a few seconds of kissing, the boys broke apart, Draco's hand still on Harry's waist and Harry's resting on the back of his neck.

"Be my boyfriend?" Harry asked breathlessly.


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