Falling For You

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Dedicated to luna_li_sitti

Harry supposes it's his fault.

He isn't paying attention, rushing to class, because he knows Snape is going to murder him long before Voldemort does if he doesn't get to Potions in time.

So he supposes it's his fault when he runs around a corner, and smacks into someone.

"Hey!" the boy- oh great, it's Draco- steps back. "Watch it, Potter!"

The blond shoves him, irritated, and Harry (who is still breathless and a little dizzy from running and maybe a little bit because Draco is so gorgeous) falls backwards, smacking his head on the wall.

He stays still as a searing, throbbing pain immediately shoots up his head, and for a brief second, he thinks Voldemort has come before he remembers that he hit his head.

"Get up, asshole," Draco's annoyed voice meets his ear, but Harry's head is spinning and he doesn't want to fight so instead he just keeps his eyes closed and waits for the pain to diminish.

"Harry?" Draco's voice is no longer irritated, more like... worried?

"Harry?" Now it's more desperate than anything. Draco is kneeling next to him, panicking.

"Oh God, no, Harry, you can't be dead, no no no no no. Oh please open your gorgeous fucking eyes, Harry please be alive."

Gorgeous? Harry doesn't move, wanting to see how Draco will react.

Draco's slender fingers are touching his neck now, feeling for a pulse. When he feels one, he breathes out gently. "Oh thank fuck."

Harry keeps his eyes closed, but a smile curves across his lips. "Gorgeous fucking eyes?"

He doesn't have to open his eyes to imagine the blood draining from Draco's face, but he does anyways, grinning still.

"Shut up, Potter. I knew you were faking it."

Harry raises an eyebrow, sitting up slowly. He gently feels the back of his head, and shows Draco the blood on his fingers.

"Not totally faking it," he murmurs. 

Draco is panicking again. "Jesus shit, Harry! We need to get you to the Hospital Wing, right now."

Harry nods slowly, and attempts to stand before he crumples again. The only thing that stops him from hitting his again is Draco's arms catching him.

"Jesus Christ, Potter, slow down." His voice is trying to keep the bitterness and annoyance it always has, but Harry, even with his possible concussion, can hear the worry and panic in it.

"Draco, calm down," he mumbles. "It hurts, but I'm not going to pass out. I'll be fine."

"I know you'll be fine," Draco snaps. "And don't call me Draco, it's weird."

"You called me Harry," Harry mumbles, grinning.

"Shut up." Draco wraps Harry's arm around his shoulders and helps him start walking.


"Why do you keep calling me that?"

"You called me Harry."

"You've mentioned that. That's not an answer."

"Well, you didn't answer mine," Harry retorts.

"You didn't ask me one."

"No, because you cut me off."

"Shut up, Potter. What do you want?"

"Why are you helping me?"

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