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Entered in the contest of blurrytrench

*Wish one: two years gone*

Harry was desperate. Really desperate.

That was his excuse to why he was currently in his bedroom, whispering incantations under his breath to summon a demon.

As he finished his incantation, he looked around hopefully, only to be greeted by nothing. He sighed. What had he expected?

"You rang?"

Harry jumped, spinning around and clamping his hand over his mouth to keep himself from screaming.

He looked like a boy around Harry's age. He sat on top of Harry's bookshelf, hands folded in his lap and legs crossed at the ankle. His hair was blonde and smooth, except for two messy parts where short black horns rested. He wore a simple black suit, as though he were going to a funeral. Large black wings protruded from his back. Amused grey eyes studied Harry's reaction.

"Who- what- who are you?" Harry stuttered.

The boy smirked. "My name is Draconis, sixteenth demon of Hell, demon of deals and trades. You may call me Draco. I believe you summoned me, unless I'm mistaken."

Harry blinked several times. "Do you have to sit on my bookshelf?"

He jumped as Draco appeared, cross-legged, sitting on his bed, smirking again.

"Would you prefer me here? It's not often humans are this attracted to demons, but if you insist-"

"No!" Harry cut off the smirking demon. "I want something."

Draco sat up. "Interesting. Before you say anything, you must know that the price for every deal is two years off your life."

Harry nodded. "Fine! Whatever. I need you to cure my mother. She's fatally ill, and no one can help."

Draco's eyes were sympathetic. "Are you sure?"

Harry nodded. "Absolutely."

Draco nodded, and held out his hand. It shimmered gold. Harry shook it.

Draco disappeared for about three seconds, and then reappeared, startling Harry so much that he stumbled over his chair.

Draco appeared in an instant, catching him and setting him upright.

"Are you alright?" he asked. Harry nodded slowly, shocked that the demon helped him.

"Your mother is fine. She is now resting."

Harry, overcome by happiness, jumped forward and hugged Draco. The demon stiffened, shocked, but then relaxed and hugged Harry back.

Harry stepped back. "Thank you, so much."

Draco bowed low. "I'm always of service, Harry."

"Wait!" Harry had no idea what was overcoming him. "Would you like to stay?"

Draco gave him a sad look. "I'm sorry, Harry. I would love to, but I can only meet you for deals. Goodbye."

Harry watched him disappear.

*Wish two: four years gone*

It was two days later that Harry whispered the incantation again, and found Draco sitting on his bookshelf again.

"Hello, love." Draco spread his wings, gently floating to the floor. "How may I be of assistance?"

"Can you get my friend Hermione into Harvard? She's been waiting for her letter, and if she doesn't get in, it will devastate her. She deserves it."

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