Going Away Gift 10

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Harry is sitting in the back of the lecture hall when the boy comes in.

He's panting slightly, as if he had run to get here.

He mutters a quick apology, and walks up toward Harry.

"May I sit here?"

Harry's stomach tightens. It can't be.

"Of course, I don't own the seat," he says cheerfully.

The blonde's eyes widen. "I'm Draco," he breathes as he shows Harry his right arm.

"I'm Harry," is Harry's response as he does the same.

Draco sits down.

"I'm asexual. And aromantic," Harry blurts out quietly.

Draco sighs in relief. "Thank God. I am too."

Harry smiles in relief, and he hugs Draco.

"So... what are we, like, platonic soulmates?" Draco asks.

Harry considers this. "Maybe," he concedes.

"Well, nice to meet you, soulmate."


Harry glances up from his conversation with Hermione as Draco steps in the door.

"Honey, I'm home!" he calls in a mocking tone.

Harry laughs, standing from the couch. He walks over to the blonde and hugs him.

"How was the bakery today?'

Draco's smile brightens his face. "Fantastic."

Harry laughs. "Of course."

"Hi buddy!" Draco says as their puppy bounds up to him. He drops down to his knees, and the tiny dog crawls up in his lap. Draco pets him, smiling.

Harry grins at the sight. "Can you start dinner? I'll help you in a sec."

Draco gently moves the puppy off his lap and grins. "Of course."

As he walks into the kitchen, Hermione turns to Harry.

"I don't understand. You two have known each other for six years. You have a house together. A puppy. You're talking about adoption. You have inside jokes, and kiss each other's cheeks, and go everywhere together, and never fight, and you're always so sweet to each other. How are you not a couple?"

Harry shrugs, smiling. "We're not like that. We don't need a romantic or sexual relationship to be comfortable around each other. It's like a friendship, but extended beyond that. We're soulmates. It's the perfect pairing, really. We get along so well, and everything really just seems to go right for us."

She shakes her head, smiling. "Whatever makes you happy, Harry."

"Harry James Potter, if these vegetables don't get chopped, your dick is going to get chopped!"

Harry laughs, and goes into the kitchen. Hermione smirks and follows.


"Breakfast!" Draco calls from downstairs.

Harry kisses his cheek lightly, taking two plates and setting them on the table. Draco sets down the other two.

They both look up, grinning, as footsteps pound down the stairs.

In seconds, two streaks of red shoot past them.

"FOOOOOOD!" one yells, jumping into a chair.

"Joshua!" Draco scolds. "Rebecca! Have you two washed your hands?"

Guiltily, both six-year-olds walk to the sink.

A ball of fur bounds down the stairs, a little late for the excitement, but energetic nonetheless.

"Padfoot, you wanna go outside? You wanna go outside?" Harry says, opening the door for their dog to run out.

Rebecca sits down, her red hair bouncing. "Pancakes?"

"Even better," Draco responds.

Joshua's eyes are impossibly wide as he sits beside his twin. "Waffles?"

"Waffles indeed!" Draco cries.

Both children squeal, and dig in.

Harry smiles. 

He's glad he gets to have a platonic soulmate.

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