Sad Drarry Shorts

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Here's just a bunch of really short (like 5 sentence kind of short) little prompts/stories.



Draco looked at Harry sadly. "You shouldn't have to feel this way. You're too young to hate the world." 


Harry clawed at his own scarred arms. "You don't understand what it's like to feel this worthless! I just want it all to go away! I want it to stop!"


Draco stepped forward. "Harry! Please don't! I love you, I love you so much."

Harry's feet remained on the edge.

"You should have loved me sooner."

And he was gone.



"Don't, Draco. I'm married now. You can't just come back here, eight years later, and say you love me, and want me back."


"I'm happy Draco. It's not my fault that you're not."


Harry sobbed as he stood over Draco's suffering form.

"Please- please- Harry- it hurts," Draco choked out.

Harry lifted the knife, and, shaking, stabbed it into Draco's heart, ending his pain and enhancing Harry's.


The fire would be pretty, orange and red and swirly and warm.

It would be pretty, if they weren't in the middle of it.


Harry screamed at his television as he watched the live news footage.

The tsunami crashed over houses and land, and Harry could only watch.

He watched as it hit Draco's hotel room, and he screamed.


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