Camp Pure-Blood

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--Prompt by Fierrochasedabest--


"There are thousands of different dimensions in this expansive universe we live in," Snape's low voice says as he walks around the classroom. "Today you will attempt to see into one of these. You will be put into pairs and making a potion to enable you to see another dimension."

"Sounds like Trelawney shit," Harry mutters. Hermione snorts.

"I will list off partners now. Granger and Longbottom. Finnigan and Malfoy. Thomas and Potter. Parkinson and Weasley. Zabini and Lovegood. You may begin. Instructions are on the board."

Seamus and Ron sigh at their partners, and everyone takes their seats.

Dean looks very confused as he randomly adds ingredients.

"We don't have to drink this, do we?" he asks quietly. Harry shrugs.

"I forgot wolfsbane. I'll be right back." Dean stands up and walks across the class.

Hermione happens to turn around and see Harry's potion. She gasps.

"Harry, it's not supposed to be green!"

Blaise and Luna, who are sitting next to Neville and Hermione, turn around as well.

"Shit, Potter, you fucked up," Blaise mutters. "You might wanna back up." 

Ron and Pansy, who are sitting next to Harry and Dean, look over. Ron looks confused and Pansy looks worried.

Harry notices Seamus, who is across the room, has been abandoned by his partner. A second later, Draco sits down next to him.

"I think if you add the wolfsbane and some moth wings, you should be fine, but you might want to stay away from it to be safe."

Harry frowns. "Why would I trust you?"

Draco shrugs, and turns away. "Suit yourself."

Harry notices his cauldron bubbling. "Er, Draco...?"

Draco turns around and his eyes go wide. He barely has time to shout "Back up!" before the potion explodes, covering everyone in the vicinity.


Harry groans as he sits up, and studies his surroundings.

Draco is laying next to him, unconscious. Hermione, Neville, Blaise, and Luna are a few feet in front of him, starting to wake up. Ron and Pansy are to his left, sitting up slowly.

And they're not in their classroom.

Pansy is at his side before Harry can even comprehend what's happening, and she's shaking Draco's shoulders.

"Draco, wake up," she says in an impossibly gentle voice.

"Why is he still out?' Harry asks groggily.

"Draco is prone to fainting. He has very low blood sugar levels, and he hasn't eaten much today. He also doesn't have his insulin pump. We were late this morning."

"Well, summon it," Harry says.

"In case you haven't noticed, dumbass, we don't have our wands."

Harry instantly reaches for his wand, only to realize it's not there.

"Fuck," he whispers.

"Your potion transported us to another place," Blaise says, standing. "Can't you feel it? There's magic in the air here, but it's different."

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