Is Heaven Missing An Angel? Because.... You Have Wings

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Harry walks toward the sound of crying because, of course, Harry is drawn to people who are sad in order to make them happy.

He opens the door to the classroom containing the crying, and for a second he isn't sure what he's seeing.

It's a shaking ball of... blackness.

As Harry moves closer, he sees the texture to it. Feathers.

Harry, mesmerized, reached out and brushes the feathers with his fingers.

Instantly, it's moving, and suddenly Draco Malfoy is ten feet away from him, black wings flared out behind him, fear in his body language and murder in his eyes.

When Draco realizes it's him, he relaxes. The wings behind him quickly fold up and disappear.

"You saw nothing," he hisses, and moved to leave.

"You... have... wings," Harry says dumbly, unable to shake his shocked state.

A pause. "Yes."

"You made them disappear."



"How did I make them disappear or how are they there?"

"Both... I guess."

Draco sighs and turns around, facing Harry as he drops to sit cross-legged on the floor. Harry copies him. Draco's wings appear again, and curl slightly around his body.

"I'm not really sure why they're there. They appeared yesterday, on my seventeenth birthday, and I'm not really sure why, but they hurt like hell."

"Can I...." Harry's eyes drift to the inky black wings. 

"Yes, I suppose you can touch them."

Harry reaches out slowly, not wanting to startle the blonde, and runs his fingers gently through the feathers. He gasps softly at how soft they are.

Draco has a small smile on his face when Harry pulls away, his expression full of awe.

"They're beautiful," he murmurs.

Draco seems surprised at this, and the wings suddenly turn a deep red. "Well, yes, I suppose they a- What?"

"Your wings just turned red," Harry whispers, pointing at Draco's red wings, which are turning purple as he speaks.

When Draco sees his wings, they suddenly turn blue, and when he gasps, they turn a deeper blue.

"Why are they doing that?" Harry whispers.

Draco's wings turn purple again. "I don't know," he murmurs curiously. "They were purple when I first got them too, but they turned black pretty fast."

"Maybe it's like a mood ring," Harry suggests. At Draco's blank expression, he continues. "It's a Muggle thing. They change color based on mood- or, they're supposed to."

"Interesting," Draco murmurs. They turn a light purple.

Harry conjures a piece of paper and a quill. "I think we can assume black is pain, sadness, etcetera."

Draco nods in agreement. "I think purple is confusion."

"And the lighter it is, it's more like curiosity. The deeper the purple, the more confusion there is. That would explain the change in shades. Blue must be fear. What were you feeling when your wings turn red?"

Draco's wings turn red again at the question, as do his cheeks. "Embarrassment." 

Harry smirks at him, and Draco's wings turn a deeper red.

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