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Below I will show you a preview of all of the new stories I am currently working on. They will be put in this order:

-One part from the story

I will only be working on one at a time. Please comment on the one you'd like to see the most.


City of Sin
A Drarry story with a dark undertone that leaves you feeling just the slightest bit unsettled.
Harry was dead scared of Draco Malfoy.
(yes, this is based off of my oneshot titled "City of Sin")

I'm The Ruler Of The World, And You're The Ruler Of My Heart
Prince Draconis Malfoy rules over the lands of Durmstrang. 
He is expected to marry his best friend and carry on the Malfoy bloodline.
 And then he sees a commoner boy with the brightest eyes he's ever seen. 

"Goodbye," Draco murmured, although Harry was already gone and it was just him and three other people he suddenly didn't want to be around.
(This story is based off a prompt from myotpisKlance. )

Just Us Two In This Empty World
"I wouldn't kiss you if we were the last two people on Earth." 
But then they were.

"Potter, where the fuck are we and where the fuck is everyone else?"

Beautiful Worlds
In which fourteen lives are changed when love comes into the picture.
Of all the things Harry expected Felix to say, "Draco Malfoy is fucking in love with you" was certainly not one of them.

The Race For Harry Potter's Heart
Hermione Granger. Blaise Zabini. Draco Malfoy. Ginny Weasley. Y
ou wouldn't think they have much in common, right? 
Well, that's mostly true. Except for one thing. 
They're all in love with Harry Potter. 
And so the race to see who will win his heart begins.

"To the winner, whomever it may be," Blaise said. 
They clinked their glasses, and downed their shots. 
And everything went downhill from there.

"I loved the stars too much to be afraid of the night. But I should have been afraid, because your eyes held the stars and night was fast approaching."
Draco Malfoy was perfect, and Harry was jealous and spiteful and gay.

The Promise of Forever
"In another life..." she says, staring at the moon. "In another life, I would be a boy." 
Dray Malfoy was never the soft edges and pale pinks all the other girls were. She was anger and irrationality and loud and imperfect.
Harry Potter had never found someone so attractive.
"You can be a boy," he whispers. "My boy. You know I care about you either way."
A laugh flutters from her mouth. "We can't change who we are, Harry. The world is cruel and unfair. I'm a boy in a girl's body, and I must live with that forever."
He leans forward. Her breath catches.
"Forever is never a promise, Dray."
"Will Voldemort be here forever?" Dray asks.
Alecto smiles. "Maybe, Dray, but forever is never a promise."

Green Ties and Black Tattoos
I hate to follow trends, but I love this one so here I am.
Eighth Year shouldn't have to be so complicated, but Harry Potter decrees otherwise.
The Eighth Years are resorted, and, like in every Drarry fanfiction ever, Harry ends up in Slytherin.
And he decides that if he's changing houses, he may as well change himself too.

He opens it, and closes the door behind him before falling on the bed and screaming into his pillow.

Rockabye Harry
Yes, I'm back at it again with another "Potions Accident" fic! What can I say, it's the easiest way to make things happen. Please read, I crave attention.
The response comes in the form of a tiny child peeking his head out from the pile of robes where Harry Potter had once stood.

Gay Here, Gay There, Gay Everywhere
Ginny and Dean, certified gays, have made  bet on who they can get to end up together.
The catch?
They have to turn six straight people gay.
For each other.

"Bleville is real!" Ginny shouts.
"Bullshit! Blaise is in love with Draco and you know it!" Dean countered.

A Hogwarts Story
Endless marriage proposals, handcuffs, resistance of the patriarchy, gayness, dabbing, and PTA moms. What else do you need to know?
"Yikes," Neville murmurs back, sipping his tea and turning away.

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