They Were Kids

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This wasn't really Drarry, but it's something I thought about and wanted to write. I cried while writing this.

They were kids, goddammit.

They were kids when their worlds fell apart into pieces around them.

Harry Potter was a kid when his parents fucking died. Harry was a kid when he was abused, verbally and physically by someone he thought could be family. Harry was a kid when his world flipped upside down, and nothing was as it seemed.

He was eleven, for fuck's sake, when he found out he was at the top of a madman's hit list. He was a kid when he first held a weapon. He was a kid when he was attacked by someone he thought he was helping. (Professor Quirrell) He was a kid when people around him were being petrified and people thought he was behind it. He was a kid when he was attacked by a massive snake. He was a kid when he made enemies with a person just because that person didn't know right from wrong. He was a kid when everyone around him died. He was a kid when he was seriously injured playing a stupid sport. He was a kid when he was forced into a competition he never wanted to be a part of.

He was a fucking kid when he had to kill someone. He was a kid when all shreds of childlike innocence were gone far too soon. He was a kid when the weight of the world was placed upon him.

Hermione Granger was a kid. A kid when she was told that what she was wasn't normal. A kid when she was called insufferable, simply because she liked to read. A kid, when she was called a foul name that held too much meaning. A kid when she watched death and pain around her. A kid when she was petrified for weeks.

She was a fucking kid when she had to erase her own parents' memories to save herself and her friends. A kid when her life was constantly hanging in the balance. A kid when a horrid name was carved into her skin. A kid when her life was destroyed.

Draco Malfoy was a kid when his father pushed him into being something he wasn't. A kid when he was never given a chance. A kid when he lost the only true friendship he could have had. A kid when he gained a name for himself he never wanted.

He was a kid when he was expected to kill someone who was so kind. A goddamn kid when he was hit with a curse that shredded his very skin. A kid when he picked the wrong side in a war he never wanted to happen. A kid when he had a tragedy burned into his skin.

Neville Longbottom was a kid when he was bullied for never being good enough.

George Weasley was a kid when his other half left him forever.

Ginny Weasley was a kid when she was always ignored, only there to watch pain around her instead of help stop it.

Ron Weasley was only a kid when he sacrificed himself for his best friend.

Teddy Lupin was a kid when his parents died in a tragedy Harry wouldn't speak of for years.

Luna Lovegood was a kid when everyone laughed at her behind her back and called her strange, and weird and crazy.

They were kids, goddamnit, and they didn't deserve this.

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