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"Malfoy's with Blaise again," Harry growls.

Hermione sighs. "Harry, stop obsessing over Malfoy and Blaise and your damn map. We have NEWTS in a month, and we need to study."


"Harry, I swear to God, if the next word out of your mouth is 'Malfoy', I'm going to smack you into next century," Hermione replies irritably. "Sit down, shut up, and study."

Harry gapes like a fish for minute, but then sits down, not wanting to get on Hermione's bad side.

Ron snorts. "Whipped," he whispers. Harry throws a pillow at him.

He puts his textbook in front of him, but tucks the map under the front cover. He continuously checks it, for longer and longer periods of time, until he's just staring at it and not studying at all.

"Harry James Potter." Hermione's whisper is low and deadly. "Put the damn map away."

Harry's head shoots up. Even Ron looks terrified. Hermione is not to be messed with when she's angry.

"Hermione-" Harry says desperately.

"Fine!" she yells. "Go!"

He flashes her a smile. "Thanks Hermione." He shoots out of the room.

He stares at his map as he walks, until he's almost where Dra-Malfoy and Blaise are.

"C'mon Drake." Harry can hear Blaise's silky-smooth voice. "Just once. I'm bored."

"I'm not gonna let you fuck me because you're bored, Zabini," Malfoy's cold voice replies. "The answer's no."

Harry laughs silently. Good for Draco. Malfoy.
His name is Malfoy.

"Draaake," Blaise protests.

"Don't call me Drake. I hate it. If you're gonna call me something, call me Draco."

"What about Dray?"


"Hmph. I bet you'd let Potter call you Dray."

The hell does that mean?

"Well, he's a hell of a lot more good-looking than you."

Harry's jaw drops.

"Aha!" Blaise shouts triumphantly. "I knew you had the hots for him!"

"Half of Slytherin house knows, that's not an accomplishment, Zabini," Malfoy replies.

Harry wants to scream and throw things and jump up and down. Malfoy thinks I'm hot.

Instead he stands silently listening.

"Well," Blaise's seductive voice returns. "That's still not gonna stop me."

"Zabini, stop."

"Aw, Dray, don't be like that."

"Zabini!" Malfoy sounds horrified and slightly- scared?

Fuck it.

Harry whirls around the corner. In the second he sees them, he sees Blaise has Draco pinned against the wall and is apparently trying to take off his pants. His mouth is attached to Draco's throat. Since he's bigger than the pale boy, Draco's struggles to get him off are unsuccessful.

Harry's vision goes red. He shoves Blaise off of Draco, slamming him against the wall with his forearm to Blaise's throat, pressing so hard it would be a struggle for the other boy to breathe.

"He said," Harry growls low. "Stop."

Draco drops to the ground, shaking slightly, and seems shocked. Blaise might be talking, if he wasn't trying so desperately to breathe.

Harry presses harder, cutting off all of Blaise's oxygen. "You touch him again, and I'll fuckin kill you. You got that?"

Blaise just stares at him.

Harry pushes harder, and Blaise lets out a squeak.
"I said, 'you got that?'"

Blaise does a tiny nod, and Harry releases him.

Blaise gasps for breath, and runs off.

Harry turns to a shaken Draco. "You okay?"

Draco nods weakly. "Th-thank you, Potter."

Harry smiles, and extends his hand. "C'mon."

Draco takes it, and Harry pulls him up. "Where are we going?"

"To my room." At Draco's squeak of protest, Harry rolls his eyes. "Do you want your house to see you like this? You have a hickey on your neck, your pants are undone, and-" Harry breaks off in surprise. His hands reach up to cup Draco's face and wipe away the tears that are there. "-you're crying."

Draco pulls away, embarrassed. "Shut up, Potter."

Harry pulls Draco's arm over his shoulders, and wraps his own arm around Draco's waist. "It's Harry."

He leads Draco to his room, and has him lie down on the bed. He leaves the room for a few minutes.

He comes back with food. Draco sits up in surprise.

"What's this?"

"Lunch," Harry replies. Soup, a chocolate bar, and pumpkin juice are given to Draco.

"I..." He scratches the back of his neck. "I noticed you haven't been eating a lot lately."

Draco looks stunned. "Thank you."

Harry smiles. "You're welcome, Draco- can I call you Draco?" At Draco's nod, he continues. "Soup is filling, and I know you like pumpkin juice more than other drinks, and Dobby told me chocolate is good for-" he hesitates. "-traumatic experiences."

Draco smiles. "Thank you, Harry."

Ten minutes later, Draco has finished his food, and Harry has gotten a house-elf to take it away.

He sits at the foot of the bed.

"Harry..." Draco looks uncomfortable. "How much of the conversation did you hear?"

Harry grins. "A lot."

Draco buries his face in his hands. "Dammit, I'm sorry, I don't try to like you, you're just so perf- mmph!"

Harry had gently covered Draco's lips with his own.
He gently pulls away. "Was that okay?"

Draco stares at him in shock.

"Hell yeah." He wraps his hands around the back of Harry's neck and pulls him down for another kiss.

Harry shifts so he is hovering over Draco, kissing him softly.

"Harry?" Draco whispers.

"Yeah?" Harry stares down at Draco's grey eyes.

"You're fucking amazing." And Draco pulls him down for another kiss.

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