3. Agape

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Agape: a selfless, altruistic love that involved making sacrifices for the other person

Song: All of Me by John Legend

"Give your all to me, I'll give my all to you"

"Draco, be my boyfriend," Astoria begs.

"Astoria, I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because he's already mine," Harry says cheerfully, throwing an arm around Draco's shoulders.

Draco laughs as Harry kisses his cheek. "Sorry, Tori."

"All good," she mutters, walking away.

"Thanks," he laughs softly as Harry pulls his arm away.

"'Course, Dray," Harry says, throwing a cheerful smile at his best friend. "I'd do anything for you."


Draco is focusing on his Charms paper when Harry comes into the library.

Harry frowns. Draco hasn't eaten dinner.

He looks down at his own food that he brought to the library with him, and shrugs, setting it in front of Draco.

Draco looks up, surprised, and gives Harry a grateful smile. "Thanks, Harry."

"Of course, Dray. I'd do anything for you," Harry replies, feeling his stomach growl.


Draco is smiling at Harry over the table when the waitress sets the bill in front of them.

"This date was amazing," Draco says quietly.

Harry smiles. "I'm glad you enjoyed it." He grabs the bill, slipping a few Galleons in it, and standing up, Draco following him.

"Thank you, I didn't even realize the bill was there, sorry," Draco laughs.

"It's all good, I'd do anything for you," Harry teases.


"My parents are being assholes again," Draco murmurs.

Harry continues threading his fingers through the other boy's blonde hair. "How so?"

"They say they're going to kick me out if I continue having this 'ridiculous love affair' with you."

"Come live with me at Grimmauld Place," Harry suggests immediately.

"Really?" Draco asks.

"Of course, Draco. It's a much less toxic environment than the one around your parents."

"Thank you, Harry. I love you."

"Of course, Draco. I'd do anything for you."


Draco collapses onto Harry, in tears.

Harry holds him tightly. "Love, what's wrong?"

"My mom- she-" Draco breaks off, dissolving back into tears again. Harry's heart sinks.

"Okay, it's okay, Draco. I'm here for you."

"Thank you," Draco breathes, sobbing.

"Of course, Dray. I'd do anything for you."


"Harry, can we have blue accent flowers on the arch instead of red?"

"Yeah, sounds perfect."

"What flowers are the bridesmaids holding?"

"Narcissus flowers."

"... Thank you, Harry. That means a lot to me."

"Of course, Draco. I'd do anything for you."


"Is that a kitten?"

"Yeah. She was alone, and looked so sad, and oh please, Harry, can we keep her?"

Harry sighs. "Yeah, I suppose."

Draco squeals, kissing his cheek. "Thank you, Harry!"

"Of course Draco. I'd do anything for you."


"How would you feel about adopting a kid?"

"I, uh, I'd never considered it."

"I had a specific kid in mind. Um, Teddy. He's already your godson, and he's just kinda bouncing around houses, and he spends half his time here anyway."

"This is a big step, Draco. Are we ready for this?"

"I think so. Please, Harry?"


"Thank you, Harry."

"Of course, Draco. I'd do anything for you."


They look around them at the large buildings and hundreds of people.

"Are we sure this is the right place to move?" Draco asks worriedly. "New York is very far away from Britain."

"Teddy has already said he loves it here. And it's so fascinating, don't you think?"

"Sure, Harry. Whatever you say." Draco rolls his eyes, grinning.

It seems to happen in slow motion. He sees the man burst out of the doors in front of them, bag in one hand and gun in the other. He turns toward them, his eyes wide. He lifts his gun and all Harry can do is lunge at a confused Draco to shove him out of the way before the bullet hit him.

He hits the ground, and he sees the man run away, and he's aware of a searing pain in his ribcage.

"Harry, what was that? Why did it make that noise? Oh god, Harry, why are you bleeding?" Draco shrieks, his voice getting loud with the realization that Harry is far from okay.

"Called a gun," Harry says hoarsely. "Muggle killing machine, essentially."

"Why does he have one? Harry, what's happening? You'll be okay."

Harry coughs. The pain is getting worse.

"I won't be okay," he whispers.

"Harry, why did you do that?" Draco asks desperately.

Draco knows the answer before Harry says it. 

"I'd do anything for you."

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