Today's the Day

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Dedicated to Lebanese_Biatch for giving me this awesome idea!!!!💖💖

Draco sighs.
Today's the day.
No, its not an official day. It's not a holiday, or a birthday, or, really, a day anyone would know about but him.
It's the day he tells Harry Potter he likes him.
And it may not seem like much to most people, or it may sound like an insane idea to others, but to Draco, this might be the most important day of his life.
Draco is shaking with nerves. He clutches his napkin in one hand, and his fork with the other. He stares at the table, and runs over what he's going to say in his head.
I like you.
Harry, I like you.
I like you, Harry.
I've liked you since sixth year, Harry.
I might be in l-
"Draco?" Blaise's gentle voice brings him back to the world. "Are you alright?"
Draco pretends to relax, and smirks at his friend. "Fine, Blaise."
"Really?" Blaise raises one eyebrow. "Because you shredded your napkin, and your fork doesn't bend that way."
Draco looks down. "Shit," he murmurs. He casts a quick spell to fix the fork. "You know what? I'm not hungry." He stands and exits the Great Hall.
He enters the nearest empty classroom, and sits on the floor, head resting against the door.
I can do this. I can do this.
Harry fucking Potter, I like you.
No, wait, that's sounds too aggressive.
Harry, I think I like you.
Too unsure...
Harry, I like you.
Yeah, that sounds alri-
His train of thought stops when he hears voices. Breakfast is over, and people are going to classes.
Draco counts to thirty in his head, and then stands and opens the door. He walks out with what he hopes looks like confidence.
He sees Harry, Granger, and Weasley walking down at the end of the hall.
Last chance to back out, Draco.
He takes a deep breath.
Harry and his friends stop. The three turn in unison.
Draco steps forward, licking his lips. "Can-can I talk to you? In private?"
Harry blinks. Weasley looks ready to protest, but Harry shrugs. "Sure, okay. Hermione, Ron, go to Charms. I'll be there soon."
Reluctantly, Granger and Weasley walk away, leaving the corridor empty.
Harry turns to him. "Yes?"
His tone doesn't sound angry or irritated, just curious.
"I-" Draco's mouth is dry. "Ilikeyoualot," he mutters quickly.
Harry blinks. "Come again?"
Draco sighs, closing his eyes. "I like you. A lot."
Draco opens his eyes, confused.
Harry's lips are twitching. He breaks into a smile, which turns into a laugh, which turns into him doubling over laughing so hard he's crying and can barely breathe.
Draco is torn. Half of him is humiliated because Harry is laughing at him, and he wants to run. But the other half wants to make sure Harry can breathe again before he leaves him alone.
Harry finally catches his breath, and looks at Draco with a bright smile on his face.
He takes Draco's face in his hands and gently kisses him.
Harry fucking Potter is kissing me lord almighty Jesus hallelujah Heaven fuck me oh my god.
Harry breaks away with a bright, beautiful smile etched onto his perfect features.
Draco grabs him and pulls him into another kiss.
Needless to say, they were both late to Charms.

That's it! Thanks for the prompt! If anyone has any ideas, please comment!! I will wrote them ASAP!!

Lots of love,

Drarry OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now