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Ever since they were little, Draco and Harry had had nicknames for each other.

He loved when they were five and it was snowing, and they would build snowmen and throw snowballs at each other and make snow angels. Draco always made perfect snow angels, and Harry sucked at it.

That was when Harry started calling Draco his angel.

He remembered when they were ten and it was so hot out they had decided to go swimming. Harry had been in the water in ten seconds flat, but Draco was afraid. He had never been swimming, and the water looked freaking cold.

But Harry had shouted "Come on Draco!" And Draco had looked at him, with the sunshine streaming through his jet-black hair, reflecting his green eyes, tanning his golden skin. He had felt a surge of strength and jumped in the pool.

That was when Draco started calling Harry his sunshine.

He shook when he thought about when they were fifteen and it was foggy. It had been dark and you couldn't see five feet in front of you. He and Harry were supposed to be close together, but Harry had walked a little too quickly. Draco had lost him.

And Draco was crying and screaming for Harry, because he was lost and he needed something to hold on to.

And Harry had come rushing to him, holding him in his arms and whispering "it's okay, I'm here Drake, I got you, I got you."

That was when Draco started calling Harry his rock.

He smiled when he thought about when they were eighteen and there was a thunderstorm. He had been walking through their shared apartment, which they had rented purely for financial reasons, when he heard crying. He had rushed to Harry's room, where he found the other boy curled up on his bed clutching his pillow. A clap of thunder rang throughout the room, and Harry flinched, crying harder.

"Oh god, Harry, Harry, it's okay, you're okay, I'm here, I got you," Draco whispered, hugging Harry and pulling him closer. "Why didn't you come to me?"

"Di'nt want you th'nkin I was bein' st'pid," Harry mumbled into Draco's shirt.

"Oh, Harry, I would never think you're stupid, I love you, I could never think you were stupid." Draco rambled.

Harry straightened. "You love me?"

Draco had tensed, mentally hitting himself for accidentally coming out to his best friend. "Fuck."

Harry had stared at him for ten seconds, nothing but shock written on his face.

Draco stood, pacing. "Fuck, I'm sorry, I never meant to tell you, shit."

Harry cut off his rambling by standing and kissing him.

Draco froze, shocked, for a moment, before kissing back, gently resting his hands on Harry's hips. Harry had pulled back, staring into his eyes.

"I love you too," he whispered.

That was when Harry started calling Draco his boyfriend.

He laughed when he thought about when they were twenty-four and it was hailing. Harry had been sitting by the window, watching the hail hit the ground. Draco had joined him.

"There's a lot of rocks out there," he commented. "They're everywhere."

Harry nodded, his eyes scanning the ground.

"You know where there's not a rock yet?" Draco asked nervously.

"Where?" Harry asked, his interest piqued as he turned to face Draco, who was on one knee in front of each other.

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