My Personal Favorite Plot Line

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--Prompt by like four people--



If you asked Draco Malfoy where he would want to be on a Saturday night, the last answer he would give would be "playing stupid party games with Gryffindor"

And yet, here he was, downing his third shot of the evening as Hermione was dared to make out with Pansy.

He leaned back in his beanbag chair, eyes flicking over their company. 

Hermione currently resided in Pansy's lap, lips seeming to have no intention of leaving anytime soon. Ron sat in his own beanbag, sending mini-glares at Blaise, who was making kissy faces back. Harry sat across from Draco, staring at the ceiling, shot glass in hand. Seamus and Dean still had yet to come back from their "make out in a random closet" dare, and everyone was too scared to go find them. Neville was already wasted from his dare to drink eight shots in a row. He had no idea how wasted Luna was because despite her having five shots, she acted exactly as wacky as when she was sober. 

"Draco!" Hermione cheered as she pulled away from Pansy. "Truth or Dare?"

"Dare, I'm not a pussy," Draco said, smirking.

"Dare you to kiss..." Hermione's eyes scanned the crowd before landing on one specific person.

"You're joking," Draco groaned, throwing his head back.

"You said you're not a pussy," Pansy mocked, shooting him a dark grin.

"Fuck it, he's probably too drunk to remember it anyway," Draco replied, irritated.

Harry looked him dead in the eyes, a smirk crossing his lips. "I've had two shots, Draco. I can promise you, I'm not gonna forget."

Draco groaned again. "Fuckin Gryffindors, man," he muttered, crawling across their little circle to sit in front of Harry.

Harry raised a single perfect eyebrow. "Scared, Malfoy?"

"You wish," Draco replied irritably, before leaning forward and kissing Harry hard.

The kiss was intended to be full of hate and anger, but that was a little hard to convey when Harry's lips were so fucking soft and Draco just wanted to melt.

Despite wanting to stay there forever, Draco pulled away slowly and opened his eyes. 

When had he closed his eyes?

Harry's eyes fluttered open as well, and he flashed Draco a bright smile, before leaning back in his seat.

Draco blinked several times before returning to his own seat.

"Blaise," he said, snapping out of his trance. "Truth or dare?"

"Always dare, babe," Blaise teased, winking playfully.

Draco snorted. "Dare you to give Neville a lap dance."

Blaise pouted. "No fair, he's wasted. He won't even remember how amazing I am!"

"I'll alwayyss remember how amazzzzing you arre," Neville slurred with a lopsided smile.

Blaise snorted and moved forward to complete his dare.

Draco's eyes drifted across the circle to stare at Harry.

The other boy was staring at Blaise with rapt fascination, but flicked to Draco moments later. He flashed Draco another smile.

What was it with Potter and smiling at him?

Despite himself, Draco found himself smiling back at Harry.

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