I Was Alone (Until I Met You)

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--Prompt by OllieBabyBear12--

Harry stares at the boy.

Shit, he's tall.

Harry is 5'5, 5'6 on a good day. He's sick of being shorter than everyone, and he's so glad he's not straight because all girls want a guy taller than them.

Back to Draco.

Because the blonde really deserves all the attention in the world.

His eyes are grey and the most stunning things Harry has ever seen. His hair is platinum blonde, skin glowing porcelain, style perfect, everything perfect.

Draco is perfect.

And staring right at him.


Harry realizes he's been caught staring and immediately slams his locker shut and runs into the bathroom.

Fuck fuck fuck, Draco wasn't supposed to know that a nobody like Harry likes him.


Shit fuck shit fuck shit fuck-

"May I ask why you were staring at me?" Draco's perfect blonde eyebrow is arched in question as he leans back against the bathroom door he just walked through.

Harry scans the bathroom stalls. At least no one else is in here.

"Because you're beautiful," he blurts out. Shit.

Draco's mouth falls open, and his eyes grow wide.

Fuck, he's standing in the way of the exit.

"Shit, I didn't mean to say that out loud. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go shove stones in my pockets and throw myself into a river," Harry says, walking forward.

Draco puts his hand over the door handle so Harry can't reach it.

"I think you're beautiful too."

Harry stares at him. A pale pink blush has spread over the porcelain skin that Harry loves so much. Gorgeous grey eyes are downcast in embarrassment. Pink lips are caught nervously between pearl white teeth.

"May I kiss you?" Draco asks, face betraying his nervousness.

Harry blinks a thousand times before squeaking out "yeah."

In half a second, Draco's perfect lips are on Harry's, and all Harry can think about is keeping them there forever.

The kiss doesn't end there. Draco's shaking hands thread themselves into Harry's hair, and soon they are passionately making out.

Both boys jump apart when the door suddenly starts to open, and one of Draco's friends comes through.

"Dray, let's go," she says. "Class starts in two minutes."

Draco shoots Harry an apologetic look and mouths later, before following his friend.

Harry wonders if that's all he is now, just some boy to make out with in school bathrooms.


Lunch rolls around eventually, and Harry can't get Draco out of his head. 

He almost had him, but of course he couldn't actually have him. Draco was too damn perfect for Harry.

He's near tears when he sits down, alone, at a table to eat his lunch.

Suddenly, Draco is standing in front of him.

"Hi," Draco says, seeming rushed and terrified.

"Hi," Harry says, equally terrified.

"I just came out to my friends."


"I told them I have a boyfriend."

Harry's eyebrows shoot up. "You do?"

Draco flashes him a shaky grin. "Depends on your answer."

Harry's jaw drops. "Me!?"

"Who else?" Draco asks nervously.

"Yes!" Harry exclaims, happiness bursting through him. He hugs Draco tightly.

"Sit with me and my friends?" Draco asks. Harry nods, gathering his stuff and following his new boyfriend.

Draco sits down at a table with his friends, and Harry sits next to him, even though where he wants to be sitting is currently occupied by Draco's backpack.

Draco laughs, moving his backpack off his own lap and pulling Harry onto his lap, pressing a chaste kiss to his neck. Harry flushes red as Draco's arms encircle his waist.

Draco's friends laugh happily at Harry's red face, and Harry relaxes.

Maybe he can get used to this.

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