Competition (One For A Medal, One For His Heart)

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--final part to Bubblegum and Blondes--

It was nearly three in the morning before Harry finally left the skating rink, shaking from the cold and his anxiety attack a half hour prior.

"Breath in, and out. Slowly," Draco murmured, and repeated these instructions as Harry registered the gum in his mouth and started chewing.
"Don't ever be sorry for that," Draco replied firmly, flashing him a smile. He took Harry's hand, putting something in it, and him and his friends left.
"I was hoping you'd come back," he said teasingly.
Draco hugged him tightly. "You made it to the finals? That's amazing!"
Draco grinned. "Wouldn't miss it for the world." He slipped something into Harry's hand, and hopped out of the car. "Text me the address to the rink."
"Seatbelt," Draco said. "You might not care about the law, but I'd rather you didn't die."
Draco was parked in front of his house, sitting on the windowsill of the driver's side door and grinning at Harry.
Draco grinned as they walked up to the top of the skate ramp. "I figured if you wanted to get your mind off ice skating, why not try a different type of skating?"
"I know. It's part of the process. You fall, you get back up, you try again. Never give up, always strive for your absolute best."
"I've shown you my passion, it's time you showed me yours."
"I don't need to fucking hear this. Have fun at your fucking competition, because I won't fucking be there. I hope you fucking lose," Draco said coldly, skating off towards the exit.

Draco had been nothing but a sweetheart to him, and in return Harry had called him a slut and an asshole.

He dialed the number with shaking fingers, holding the phone up to his ear.

"Hey, Hermione. I know it's late, but could you pick me up? I'll explain later."


Hermione was furious. She had yelled at Harry for pushing Draco away and saying such horrible things to him, and told him she wouldn't blame Draco for not coming to the competition, and now she wasn't sure if she would either.

"Think your actions through," she had said coldly, before driving away and leaving him in front of his house.

By then, it was four in the morning, and Harry knew he wouldn't sleep. He made himself some coffee, even though he knew it would only heighten his anxiety, and drank it.

He considered eating breakfast. but decided against it. Despite the growling of his stomach, Harry didn't want to eat. Instead, he went to the ice skating rink and practiced his routine over and over for hours.

When he arrived at the rink for the competition, he noticed immediately that Draco and his friends weren't there. Well, almost all of his friends weren't there.

"Let's talk," Theo muttered, pulling Harry away from the crowds.

Harry looked at the ground, unable to meet Theo's eyes.


The word was simple, and yet so complex, and Harry only had a one-word answer.


Theo didn't respond for a moment, studying him.

"I wish you the best of luck, Harry," he murmured, and Harry was sure he wasn't just talking about the competition. "He was never mine to start with, and you upset him pretty bad, but you can fix this. I believe in you. You're not a bad person, Harry."

"How do I fix this?" Harry whispered.

"That's not my answer to tell, Harry," was the response, and Theo stood up and left.

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