Harry Potter and Holy Shit, Draco Malfoy Is Wearing Pink (and it's very hot)

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Part two to Harry Potter and The Year He Didn't Give A Fuck (the untold eighth book)

This chapter is dedicated to the Bad Bitch Club  -dracopotter  RosesoRoses ThatDrarryGurl almonds13 Sleep_deprived8 QueenCheshireWolf _areyousirius
as well as the Flamboyant Chicken Cult gbuckner5 ElyciaParkes fluffydrarry Im_Dam_Crazy

QOTD: How many piercings do you have, and where are they?

My answer: Seven. Three on each ear, and a nose one

This fucking book is #1 in yeet out of 4.6k stories should i be proud or ashamed

Harry shook out his hand, wincing at the pain punching Ginny had inflicted. He reached out and helped Pansy up.

"You okay?" he murmured.

"You punched her," Pansy muttered back, laughing softly.

Harry shrugged. "She deserved it. She hurt you."

Pansy nodded, wincing and touching the back of her head. When she pulled her fingers away, they were coated in blood.

Harry's eyes widened. "Oh my god, are you okay? Do we need to-"

"I'm fine. Just a bit sore. Can we sit down?"

Harry nodded, looking around for somewhere to sit. Suddenly Draco Malfoy was right next to him, grabbing Pansy's arm.

"C'mon," he muttered, and Harry had not choice but to follow.

They entered Draco's compartment to see Blaise sitting there, giving them a tight smile. Draco sat next to him, and Harry sat across from them with Pansy.

Draco cast a spell on the doors so no one could enter, and grinned. "We don't want your Gryffindor pals trying to kill Pansy again."

Harry's attention was immediately turned back to Pansy. "Are you okay?"

She nodded, wincing. Draco handed her a vial, and she downed it without hesitation. When she touched her head this time, no blood came off. Harry relaxed.

"I have a headache," she murmured, resting her head in Harry's lap and promptly falling asleep.

Harry turned back to Draco, noting the surprise in the blonde's eyes.

And now that Harry's full attention was on Draco, holy shit.

His hair was no longer slicked back. It was soft and curly and framed his face beautifully. He wore gold eyeliner that made his grey eyes sparkle, and shimmery highlight dusted his cheekbones beautifully. Light pink gloss coated his lips. He wore a simple pink t-shirt and light washed Muggle jeans, as well as pale pink Converse. He, like Pansy, had a nose piercing, but his was gold instead of black.

"You've changed," Harry breathed.

"So have you," Draco commented. "And I see you're friends with Pansy now."

Harry smiled softly down at the girl in his lap. "She's real with me, and accepts me for who I am."

Draco nodded. "That's Pansy."

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