Harry Potter And My Readers Are Threatening Me If I Kill Pansy (see ya in court)

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The original title was Harry Potter And My Readers Are Threatening Murder If I Kill Pansy (see you in court), but that was more than 80 characters and wattpad wouldn't let me

anyways, final part to HPATYHDGAF(TUEB)

QOTD: Does it ever irritate you guys that I write so much angst? I wouldn't want to make my readers angry.

Increasingly hilarious threats I've gotten from this mini series alone:

"If pansy dies I'm suing extra hard now that I know it's likely she'll die"

"Oh my god if Pansy dies istg I'm gonna kill someone"

"Okay *slams hand on table with money in hand* how about you tell me what happens next"

"This is good and all but I WILL THROW YOU INTO THE FUCKING SUN IF ANYTHING HAPPENS TO PANSY. And that's the tea"


"I swear to the gods, if she dies I WILL ENSURE THAT THANOS SNAPPED TWICE TO ERASE YOUR EXISTENCE" (this one is my personal favorite)

"Try me bitch"

"No I'm suing you again" (btw ItsxAsh see you in court sweetie ;))

Anyways, onto the final part :))))))))))


Harry was pacing back and forth in front of the fireplace in the Gryffindor Common Room when it happened.

When the door burst open, he had expected Hermione, maybe Draco. Not Blaise, with a panicked, horrified look on his face.

He didn't have to say anything. Harry was already out the door, running as fast as his legs could carry him.

He barely even registered that his magic was getting out of control; a few vases smashed, his feet were barely touching the ground anymore, and he was in front of the Hospital Wing doors within seconds.

Blaise caught up to him two seconds later, breathing hard but following him to Pansy's bedside.

She was bent over her bed, vomiting. She was shaking and pale, and Draco was perched on the edge of her bed, holding her hair gently. Hermione murmured comforting words.

It took Harry another moment to realize Hermione wasn't comforting Pansy, rather murmuring soft spells that Harry didn't recognize. Her eyes were fixed on Pansy, gaze slightly panicked.

Pansy finally inhaled a deep, shaky breath. Hermione continued muttering her spell softly.

Harry raised his wand, casting a spell on Pansy to clean her mouth. She gave him a grateful look.

Hermione stopped muttering. "Pansy, can I kiss you?" she blurted out.

Pansy's eyes widened in shock, but she gave Hermione a weak smile. "That's all I ever wanted, Granger."

Hermione smiled, leaning in and giving Pansy a sweet, soft kiss that had Harry looking away, feeling as though he was intruding on a private moment.

His eyes caught Draco's, and the blonde slid off the edge of the bed, moving toward Harry and holding his hand tightly.

Hermione pulled away, smiling tightly at Pansy. 

"You should rest," she murmured. Pansy nodded, lowering her head back on the pillow and promptly falling asleep.

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