Headache Part 2

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 I know I don't usually post Part 2's, but I'm feelin freakin crazy so why the hell not

Also a lot of you kept asking me to

"Mr. Malfoy?"

Draco slowly opened his eyes to see Madame Pomfrey standing above him.

"Mr. Malfoy, you had a panic attack. Are you alright?" she asked. "How do you feel? Dizzy? Pain?"

Emotional pain.

"I'm fine." Draco stood slowly, and turned to Harry.

"Dray, you alright?" 

"No!" he shouted in irritation. "I've just been told I can't be anywhere near my boyfriend again!"

Harry shook his head. "We'll figure it out, Dray. We have to."

Draco nodded, pasting a smile on his face.


Draco sat in the Great Hall that next morning. Harry was told to sleep in the Hospital Wing, so Draco hadn't seen him since he left yesterday.

He wasn't sure he could be around Harry if he was hurting him.

Speaking of Harry, the black haired boy was walking into the Great Hall now.

He walked over to the Slytherin table and dropped himself into Draco's lap to eat breakfast like it was a normal day.

"Harry!" Draco hissed, shoving Harry off his lap and onto the seat next to him. "What are you doing?"

"Sitting on my boyfriend's lap," Harry pouted. "Or I was, anyways."

Draco shook his head. "Go sit at the Gryffindor table. It's further from me."

Harry shook his head. "I won't."

Draco sighed. How was he supposed to keep the raven head away from him?


At dinner that night, Draco made sure to get there a little earlier, and he ate faster than he normally would.

When Harry came over to his table, the second he sat down Draco stood up, and walked out of the Great Hall.

He didn't look back to see the hurt in Harry's eyes or the curiosity in Hermione's.

He went to the Room of Requirement, and wished for a place he could be alone.

He came into a room with nothing but a large armchair, a fire, and a small table.

He sat down in the chair slowly, and closed his eyes.

I have to do this, he thought.

I want a knife.

He opened his eyes to see a knife sitting on the table next to him.

With slightly shaking hands, he took the knife and pressed it to the Dark Mark.

Am I really gonna do this?

Draco already knew the answer was yes.

He squeezed his eyes shut as he dragged the knife down his arm, from elbow to wrist.

He squeezed his eyes shut at the stinging pain, and tried not to yell.

Suddenly, the pain stopped.

He froze, staring down at his arm.

He watched, shocked, as the cut slowly healed itself and the Dark Mark was still there, as dark as ever.

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