Dirty Jokes

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Malfoy sighed in Potions class. "I want to repeatedly bang my head against my desk."

Harry glanced at him. "Don't do that. The only thing you're allowed to bang is me."

Draco choked, Hermione screamed "Harry!", Ron dropped his head onto the table, and Pansy just screamed. Harry calmly stood and went to go get more ingredients.

Draco stared at Pansy. "What the hell just happened?"

She shrugged helplessly.


Draco walked down the hallway, and saw Harry. He marched toward him.

Harry saw him coming, smirked, looked him up and down, and said "Five hundred points to Slytherin."

Draco gaped, and Harry walked away.


Draco sat in the Great Hall, and noticed Harry staring at him from across the hall. He sneered at him, and started to eat his food.

He dropped his fork. "Ow! My food's too hot to eat!"

Pansy laughed, and then it happened.

One minute Harry was across the hall, the next, he was jumping up, hopping on his, Ravenclaw's, Hufflepuff's, and eventually Slytherin's table, and dropping to land on Draco's lap.

He smirked at him. "You're hot, and I'd still eat you."

Then he stood up and walked back to his seat.

Draco stared at him.

"What the HELL?!?!"


The next day, Harry came into Potions without a shirt.

"Harry!"Hermione shouted. "You're not wearing a shirt!"

Harry leaned to whisper in Draco's ear. "And I have the underwear to match."

And calmly walked back to his seat.

Draco gaped at the wall for the rest of the class.


Draco marched up to Harry, determined to irritate him. "You know you'll never be able to pull off that shirt right?"

Harry grinned. "Oh, I know." He leaned in. "That's why I'll get you to pull it off for me."

Draco gaped, and Harry started to walk away.


Harry turned, smirking. "Yeah?"

"You're damn right I will."

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