Pretty Boy

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Draco hummed to himself as he shut his locker and started walking to the library.

He was wearing his favorite white crop top and pastel pink short shorts, as well as pink flowered Converse and a pale pink flower crown. It was his favorite outfit.

Suddenly, he was pushed against the lockers.

"Hey baby," a dark voice mumbled as the blonde who had pushed him pressed his body against him. "Love the color, but I'd like it better on my bedroom floor."

"No thank you," Draco said, sweetly smiling at the boy and gently removing himself from the other's grasp.

The boy grabbed both his wrists and pinned them against the lockers, making Draco drop his purple notebook.

"It wasn't a question," the boy growled, grinding against Draco slowly.

"No," was Draco's simple reply, as he tried, unsuccessfully, to pull his wrists away.

The boy pushed himself closer, until he was yanked back.

"I believe he said no," Harry growled.

"Who are you?" the boy taunted. "Why would you care if I want to have a piece if that fine ass?"

"I'm Harry fucking Potter, and I care because you just molested my boyfriend," Harry growled.

Draco beamed at his boyfriend.

"C'mon baby," the boy said to Draco. "Just one night with me, and you'll forget his name forever."

Draco's jaw dropped. Did he not see Harry? The boy was taller than most people at the school, with messy dark hair and piercing green eyes. His tattoos, leather jacket, piercings and spiked boots usually scared people off immediately, but this guy didn't give up.

Draco just shook his head silently as Harry's grip on the blonde boy tightened.

"Say that again, you filthy fuck," he growled.

The boy was starting to attract a crowd, and Draco loved that everyone knew his boyfriend was a badass.

"What? You think you're some kind of punk bad boy?" the blonde guy taunted. "You look like a My Chemical Romance wannabe."

A girl in the crowd gasped, and Harry threw the boy against the lockers.

He hit the lockers with a sickening thud, but was up again a moment later.

"Whatsamatter? You mad that your whore of a boyfriend would rather be with me?" the boy's time was mocking, despite the obvious pain in his face.

Harry's jaw locked and Draco tensed.

"What did you just call Draco?"

"Draco? Is that his name? I called him a fucking whore. He'd be such a slut for me, he'd be begging for it-"

Draco swallowed in disgust.

Harry's expression was deadly. He moved lightning fast, both of his hands around the boy's throat, lifting him so he was pressed against the lockers, his feet inches above the ground. He clawed at his throat.

"Don't ever-" Harry accentuated the word with a punch. "-call my angel of a boyfriend-" punch. "-such a filthy thing-" punch. "-or next time-" punch. "-I'll fucking kill you."

Draco beamed as Harry dropped the boy in disgust and walked back to him, shaking out his hand.

Harry leaned down, picking up Draco's notebook and handing it back to him.

"You look beautiful today," he said sweetly as they walked to the library together.

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