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Sorry this ones so short. It was just an idea that came to me.

Draco plopped down on the bench next to his boyfriend.
Hermione barely glanced up from her book. "Hey Draco."
"Hermione," he replied. "Hey Ron."
"Hey Draco."
"Harry," he said, turning to his boyfriend. "Did you see the game yesterday? Poland won."
Harry frowned darkly. "Yeah, yeah." He handed a very cheerful Draco five Galleons.
"Look, mail!" Ron said, turning away from his food.
The owls swept over, dropping letters. One dropped onto Draco's plate. Confused, the boy opened it.
Pansy Parkinson's voice boomed from the Howler.
Every Muggle-born kid's head snapped up. In unison, they all, including Hermione and Harry, screamed "WILDCATS!!" so loud Draco fell off his chair.

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