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I was down at the river with Andrea, Carol and Jacqui. We were saying what we missed before the apocalypse.

"I miss my Maytag." Carol said.

"I miss my Benz." Andrea said.

"I miss my computer and texting." Amy said. We chuckled at that.

"I miss my vibrator." Andrea added, making us all laugh.

"Me too." Carol said, making us laugh more harder.

"Me too." I said, making them laugh louder and harder.

"What's so funny?" Ed asked, walking over.

"We're just sharing war stories Ed." Andrea answered.

"Problem?" I asked, getting fed up with him.

"Nothing that concerns you and you outta pay attention to your work cause this ain't no comedy club." Ed replied. I really wanted to do something but I'm holding myself back from doing so.

"Look Ed. If you don't like how your laundry is being done, you can do it yourself." Andrea said.

"It ain't my job." Ed said.

"Then what is your job Ed? Besides sitting around on your ass and smoking." I said.

"Certainly not listening to a smart-mouthed bitch." He answered. "You know what, come on." He said, grabbing Carol.

"She doesn't need to go anywhere with you Ed." Andrea said.

"It's none of your business who she goes with." Ed said.

"It's alright Andrea." Carol said.

We can tell that it's not alright. She keeps ending up with more bruises each day. Out of nowhere, Ed hits Carol in front of everyone. Shane took notice and walked over and grabbed Ed then threw him on the ground. Shane started punching him in the face. After a few more punches, I went up to stop him.

"Shane, that's enough!" I shouted.

"Next time you put your hands on your wife, your daughter or anyone else at this camp, I will not stop next time, understand me?!" Shane exclaimed. "Do you understand me?!" He shouted again.

Ed nodded his head and Shane got off of him and Carol ran to Ed. Shane looked at me and walked away. I followed him until we were weren't in earshot from everyone.

"Shane, what's going on with you? I get it, you're protecting everyone." I said. He turned to me and spoke.

"Nothing's going on with me Maddie! Can't I just protect someone from getting abused?!" He yelled.

"You can and we thank you for that! I'm just wondering that's all!" I shouted. "I'm sorry that I just wanted to know if something was wrong. You've been acting different ever since Rick showed up." I added. "Do you have something against him?" I asked.

"I don't have anything against him and I don't have to talk about it to you!" He said, walking away. I sighed before heading back to the camp.
I'm sorry for the short chapter

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now