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We were all downstairs and we decided to stay in one house just to be safe. I was in the kitchen, getting a glass of water since I'm thirsty while the others were in the living room. There was a knock on the door a few minutes later. I walked to the door and opened it, revealing Deanna.

"Evening." She said, before looking at Rick. "Wow. I didn't know what was under there." She said, making me chuckle. "I don't mean to interrupt I just wanted to see how you all were doing." She told us.

"We're doing alright." I told her.

"You're all staying together, that's smart to be safe." She said.

"They said you gave them jobs." Rick said, walking next to me and put his arm around my back.

"Yeah it's part of this place." She said. "Looks like there is a cop in this one after all." She said, chuckling. That made Rick smile a little.

"You didn't give me or Maddie one." Rick said.

"I didn't give Maddie one yet because she's pregnant and close to her due date so I figured she should get all the rest she can." She said. "I have one for you but I just didn't tell you yet." She added. "And I'm still trying to figure Mr. Dixon out but I will." She said.

"He's hard to read." I said, chuckling.

"Even for his own sister?" She asked.

"Sometimes even for me." I told her.

"Well goodnight everyone." She said, walking out. I closed the door and looked at everyone.

"I'm gonna go to bed now." I said.

"I am too." Rick said.

"Okay you two, don't do anything while we're here. Wait until you're the only ones in this house." Carol said, jokingly.

"Yes mom." I said, chuckling. We walked upstairs and closed the bedroom door and turned the lights out once we were in the bed. "Rick, before I met you I didn't think I'll ever love another man after what happened but you changed that because I fell for you. You never rushed me to do something I wasn't ready to do and you're always so gentle with me. You even got my brother's approval, which surprised me but he knew you wouldn't hurt me." I said.

"I'll never hurt you and if I ever did, you have my permission to hit me as hard as you want as long as it's not down there." He said.

"I would never hit you there because I know it'll hurt." I said. "But you are my type because you're taller than me and you want to know why I like tall men?" I said.

"Why?" He asked.

"So I have someone to look up to." I said, holding in my laugh. He laughed at that and made me start laughing. "Before the apocalypse, I told my friend that and she pushed me into a bucket of water and got my butt wet. I had to change my clothes so I didn't get sick." I told him.

"Did you have a lot of friends then?" He asked.

"No. I only had one which I didn't mind." I said, starting to fall asleep.

He noticed my eyes closing and kissed the top of my head before we both fell asleep.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now