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Andy drove up and we watched to see if they bought it, which they did. Once one of the men walked back inside, Daryl walked behind the guy that was still outside and slit his throat. We all then ran out of the woods and ran towards the building. Aaron and Abraham picked the body up to hide it so he can't be seen. We all then hide around the building so we can't be seen. Once the other man came out with the guy we were helping, Michonne stabbed him from behind and killed him.

"We're bringing you back. We're bringing you back." Andy told the man.

Rick stabbed the mans head so he wouldn't turn and threw the keys to Daryl. Me, Daryl and Glenn ran inside with Rick behind us. I am quite nervous but I have to push the nervousness aside so we can get this done. We were all inside and aiming our guns around every corner.

"Check the doors. Find the arsenal. We take them out." Rick whispered.

I opened a door with my gun ready but found nothing. Rick was beside a door and I aimed my gun at the door ready to shoot if needed. Rick pulled out his knife and slowly opened the door and after Daryl checked, Rick went inside. I saw a man sleeping and Rick pushed his knife into the mans head by the slight sound of blood dripping to the floor.

I went to another door and pulled my knife out and slowly opened the door with Daryl looking inside. I quietly made my way in and saw one man sleeping. I creeped my way over to him and positioned my knife over the spot between his eyes then pushed my knife in and killed him, making his blood drip to the floor. I was with Rick, Daryl and Michonne when we heard the alarm starting to blare which is signaling that they know we're here.

"Shit." I said. People were coming out of the rooms and we started shooting them.

"Go!" Rick shouted.

We all started moving forward until someone shot at Rick. I ran across and hid behind a barrel after making sure there wasn't anything explosive inside. I aimed and shot, killing the person that shot at Rick. We kept going then I got shot in the arm.

"Fuck!" I shouted, looking at my arm then started shooting again ignoring the pain in my arm.

We all soon got to a sliding door and Rick opened it and we got outside and it was now daylight. We were looking around making sure there's no one else around. The pain was starting to get a little worse from shooting the gun and Paul noticed. He saw my sleeve blood-stained and without asking or saying anything, he rolled my sleeve up.

"Fuck Maddie." He said, looking at the bullet wound on my arm. Rick came over and looked at it.

"That looks at pretty bad." Rick said, before we heard a motorcycle rev. We looked and saw a man riding out.

"Son of a bitch!" Daryl shouted.

Rosita shot at the man and he fell off and Daryl ran and tackled him to the ground when he was getting up.

"Where did you get the bike?" Daryl asked, after punching the man in the face. Rick aimed his gun at the mans head.

"Just do it!" The man shouted. "Like you did everyone else, right?" The man asked. We then heard a voice on the walker talkie that the man dropped.

"Lower your gun, prick." The woman said. "You, with the Colt Python. All of you, lower your weapons right now." She added. Rick grabbed the walkie and spoke into it.

"Come on out. Let's talk." Rick said to the woman.

"We're not coming out but we'll talk." The woman said. "We've got a Carol and a Maggie. I'm thinking that's something you want to chat about." The woman said. I widened my eyes when I heard Carols and Maggie's name.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now