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It's been a couple days and now Negan wants to bring me to Alexandria with him but I'm not complaining. I followed Simon out to the truck and saw Negan already there. I got in the truck between Negan and some guy I don't know. We started heading to Alexandria. The truck came to a stop and we got out to see what was going on. We saw trees in the road, blocking our way.

"Think this was them?" Simon asked.

"Crossed my mind. You got plan B." Negan replied, smiling. Whenever he smiles, I get scared a little. I didn't even know the Saviors always have a chainsaw with them.

"If I might be so bold." Eugene said, walking over. I tuned him out because my mind was on other things but I was watching them cut the trees. I sensed Negan smiling again and I looked and I was right. Whatever Eugene said, made him smile but I don't know what he said because I wasn't really listening to what he was saying. I kinda wish I was listening to him.

We started moving again and I was trying to figure out why there was a casket on the back of the truck. I didn't notice it before we left the Sanctuary but when the road was blocked, that's when I noticed it. We made it to Alexandria and it kinda looks different. There was cars blocking the gate and I looked up and saw Rick standing on the platform. Eugene started speaking through a speaker which captured Rick's attention.

"Will you comply Rick?" Eugene asked. Will he comply to what? I really have to listen to what he's saying but I was too busy paying attention to the man on that platform.

"Where's Negan?!" Rick shouted. God how I missed that voice.

"I'm Negan." Eugene said. I was trying my best not to lose my temper and punch Eugene. Rick was getting mad from his body language.

 Rick was getting mad from his body language

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He looked down and then ducked down. I was confused what was happening and why he ducked down like that.

My mind went to when we found those explosives and I figured out what was supposed to happen. They planted the explosives but they didn't go off and I was confused why. I then saw a new group stand up and aim at everyone that I was able to see. I was scared even though I already was but now I'm more scared and worried. The gate then started opening and I saw people grouped together and I saw Daryl. Negan opened the door and stepped out.

"Come on our doll." He said, looking at me. I got out of the truck, scared of what's going to happen. I had to stay next to Negan.

We walked to the gate and stopped. I saw Rick stand up and he looked at me. We made eye contact and we basically said that we miss each other without words.

"You ever heard about the one little prick named Rick who thought he knew shit but didn't know shit and got everyone that he gave a shit about killed. It's about you. You all are going to want to put your guns down now." Negan said.

"No one drops anything." Rick said. He then started talking to the woman beside him. I can't hear what they're saying though, so I was just standing there.

"You push me and you push me and you push me Rick." Negan said. He had Lucille on his shoulder put his hand on my shoulder. "You just tried to blow us up right? I mean get me, my people. But Eugene and your wife Maddie? They're one of yours. After what Eugene did, he stepped up and you people are animals. Universe gives you a sign and you just shove your finger right up its ass." Negan said.

I looked at Daryl and he looked mad and also worried for me.

"Dwight, Simon. Chop chop." Negan said. Both Dwight and Simon climbed onto the flatbed and started taking the sheet off the casket and stood it up. "Come on doll, you're coming up here with me." He said. I climbed onto the flatbed and stood next to Negan. "So you don't like Eugene anymore, you guys has got to like Sasha." He said.

When he said Sasha's name, I was more worried. I heard that she was in a cell at the Sanctuary but of course Negan didn't allow me to see her even though I wanted to. I was hoping she wasn't in the casket.

"I do too. Got her right here packaged for your convenience. Alive and well. Now I brought her, so I wouldn't have to kill all of you and not killing all of you could get complicated. I know there's a lot of firepower left in there Rick. So I'm going to make this simple. I want all the guns you managed to scrape up." Negan said. "Yeah I know about those too. I want every last grain of lemonade you got left, I want a person of your own choosing for Lucille." He said. "Daryl, I got to get my Daryl back." He said.

I was scared of what Negan is going to do. I don't want him to take Daryl again. I looked at Daryl with worry evident on my face.

"And the pool table and all the pool cues and chalk and I want it now or Sasha dies and then all of you. Probably. Come on Rick, just because I brought her in a casket doesn't have to mean she has to leave in it." Negan said, sighing. "You know what, you suck ass Rick you really do. I don't want to have to kill Sasha or Maddie but that's exactly what you're going to make me do." He added.

"Let me see her." Rick said. Negan chuckled before responding.

"Alright. Just give me a second, I might have to get her up to speed. You can't hear shit inside this thing." Negan said, banging Lucille on the casket a couple times. "Sash, you're not going to believe this crap." He said, opening the casket. What happened next surprised both me and Negan.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now