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I was outside with Carl while he looked around but didn't walk away.

"What do you see out here Carl?" Rick asked, walking next to me.

"Our neighborhood. It's gone." Carl said.

"Is this why you wanted to come? Did you want to see our house?" Rick asked.

"I just wanted to come." Carl said. "I'm going for a run." He told us.

"Where?" Rick asked.

"I thought maybe there was a place people didn't loot that had a crib. You know the baby place that moms friend Sara ran. It's just around the corner." Carl replied.

"Carl." Rick said.

"Dad, it's just around the corner and there's the walker traps." Carl said.

"You're going to need help carrying that box." I said.

"What?" Carl asked.

"If you're going to get a crib, you have to get the box. It's big and it's heavy. You are getting a crib, right?" I said.

"Yeah." Carl replied.

"Then I'll go with him." I told Rick.

"Right there, that's the deal. If you get in trouble, you just holler alright?" Rick said.

"Okay." Carl said.

"Let's go get a crib Carl." I said, starting to walk with Carl following behind me.

"Maddie, how did you know that the crib is heavy? Did you have a baby?" He asked, curious.

"No I didn't. A friend of mine was a single mother and she needed a crib so I said I'll help her get it." I told him.

"That makes since." He said.

"Carl, we just walked past the baby place." I said.

"I want to get Judith something else first, okay?" He said.

"Okey dokey." I said, following him. We came to a toy store and walked inside. I followed Carl to an aisle and he grabbed a toy then left before the walkers came. We closed the door and made sure it won't open. "You wanted to get that for Judith?" I asked, smiling.

"Yeah." He responded, looking at the toy.

"You're such a great big brother Carl. Judith is lucky to have you." I said, while we walking to the baby store that had the cribs. We walked inside and went searching for a crib and soon found a pretty one and the last one that was there. I killed the walkers that was close by and Carl tried to pick it up by himself but couldn't lift it. "Told you it was heavy. Didn't believe me, did you?" I said.

"I thought you were just exaggerating." He said.

"I would never." I said, helping him lift it. "Okay, you go in the front and I'll be in the back." I said.

We started walking out of the store and went to the car to put the stuff in it. We saw Rick picking up a couple bags and when we got closer, I saw blood on his shoulder. We stopped and I looked at it.

"I'm okay Maddie." He assured.

"You sure? Cause it looks painful." I said.

"It don't hurt that much." He said. I helped him carry a couple of the bags and we walked to the car until Carl stopped.

"Morgan." Carl said.

"Carl." Rick said, trying to make Carl not speak to him.

"Morgan!" Carl said louder. Morgan looked over to see what Carl wanted. "I had to shoot you. You know I had to, right?" Carl asked. Morgan didn't speak just nodded his head. "I'm sorry." Carl apologized.

"Hey kid." Morgan said, walking towards us. "Don't ever be sorry." He said, then walked away.

We walked to the car and the crib was starting to make my arms go numb. Carl put it down behind the car and I lifted it up by myself but luckily I was able to put it in the car. I helped put the rest of the bags into the car while Carl got in the back seat.

"What happened when me and Carl went to get the crib?" I asked.

"He freaked out a bit and he stabbed me in the shoulder." He told me. "What took you and Carl so long?" He asked.

"We went to the toy store right next to the baby store because he wanted to get Judith a toy then we went to get the crib." I said. "But don't be mad, there was only a couple of walkers but we took care of them. And I grabbed this colorful cat." I said, showing the cat to him.

"Why did you get that?" He asked, chuckling.

"I felt like I should give Michonne something and I hope she likes it. It looks like something that she would like. Do you think so?" I answered.

"She might but don't be offended if she doesn't." He said.

"I don't get offended that easily, you know." I said, chuckling. We then heard a little snore in the car. We turned our heads and saw Carl taking a nap. "He had a long day especially after carrying that crib." I said.

"They are quite heavy." Rick said, smiling.

He turned and looked at me then placed his lips against mine. He pulled away and winked at me before shutting the trunk. I walked past him and he slapped my butt, making me turn to him with a glare which made him laugh.

"You tease." I said, making him laugh a bit louder with me joining in.

We got in the car with me in the drivers seat again then we drove back to the prison. While on the way, we saw that hitch hiker dead on the side of the road and saw his orange bag laying there. I stopped the car and Rick got out and grabbed it then got back in, putting it on the floor in the backseat. I started driving again while Rick was looking out the window.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now