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It was now dark and I was in a bedroom with Liam, Judith and Gracie. I want to go out there and help for when the Saviors arrive but Maggie told me stay in this room with the babies. I knew she was right so I stayed. I heard something blow outside. I can't hear what else is happening since they're talking through the walkies. It was killing me that I don't know what's going on. I grabbed the crutches and stood up.

"You three stay on the bed. I'm just going to be at the window." I said. I moved to the window and looked outside to watch what's happening without hearing what anyone is saying. After a few minutes, someone started shooting at the Saviors but I couldn't see who it is. I heard the motorcycle and figured out it was Daryl. A truck was following Daryl inside when the bus drove in front of it and they crashed into the side of the bus.

The babies started crying from all the noise coming from outside. I fell to the floor when I went to calm them down.

"Fuck!" I shouted. I crawled over to the bed and stood up, balancing on one leg the best I can. I picked Liam and Judith up and put them on the floor and got Gracie and did the same thing. I sat down with them and waited and hoping it all stops. The shooting soon stopped but I didn't want to jump to any conclusions. I soon heard whistling and that made me more scared than I already was.

I was fearing the worst like they could try to make their way inside and I can't walk that well and I can't carry all three of the babies at once. I was praying they won't come inside because if they do, we'll all be dead. The shooting then started again and I heard Simon shout something but I couldn't make it out. After a little while, the shooting came to an end and I stood up but slowly and saw headlights leaving. The Saviors must be retreating, at least I hope they are. I fell back to the floor and stayed like that. The babies were crying but started calming down.

"I'm right here you three, I'm not leaving you all." I said, trying to make them stop crying. I looked down at my leg and saw blood, meaning I ripped the stitches out when I fell. I heard someone run up the stairs and open the door. I looked and saw Rick. "Rick." I said, before wincing from the pain.

"I'm so glad you four are alright." He said, running over and hugged all of us. He felt something wet on my leg and he looked and saw the blood. "Maddie, your wound is open." He said.

"I know, I kinda fell. But not off the bed. I went to the window to see what was happening and I fell when I was going to calm the kids." I said. "But I'm glad you're okay. I was worried." I told him.

"I love you Maddie." He said.

"I love you too Rick." I said, pecking his lips. "I would give you a good time but as you can see I can't because of my leg." I said, chuckling.

"We can wait until your leg is healed." He said, chuckling along. I saw someone else walk in and it was Paul.

"Hey Maddie." Paul said.

"Hi Paul, nice seeing you again." I said, smiling. Rick put me back on the bed and went to get the doctor. Paul stayed with me and babies.

"I was worried about you." He said.

"I bet you were. You can't live without me in your life." I said.

"No I can't." He said, leaning over and hugged me. He pulled away and I saw blood from my leg on his shirt.

"You might want to change your shirt." I said, trying to hold a laugh in.

"Why?" He asked. I pointed at the blood on his shirt and he looked at it. "Damnit Maddie, stop bleeding on me." He said, making me laugh.

"I had to do something, okay." I said, making him laugh. We were both laughing when Rick walked inside with the doctor and she started stitching my leg up again.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now